Court and Down Day

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Tiffany slept for a good while, but was abruptly awoken by someone of the Garrison. Sitting up, she listened as the man told her that she was being called as a witness for Eren's court case. Originally she was very confused about the whole thing and questioned why Eren had a court case to begin with, and the Garrison had to remind her about the turning into a Titan problem. Nodding at the man in front of her, she got up and dressed into her uniform. Shortly after, she was limping through the halls towards the mess hall to see if Armin or Mikasa were nearby.

"Tiffany?" Someone asked from behind her.

"Yes?" She answered rather annoyed by the fact that she didn't notice the person behind her. 

"How's your leg feeling? Are you sure you should be up and about?" The rather tall boy asked as he walked around the girl.

"It still hurts, but I've been summoned to court as a witness to Eren's case." Tiffany answered as she strained her neck to look up at the boy.

"Would you like me to help you walk there? I'll meet you afterwards, so that we can walk back." Bertholdt asked as he looped his arm around her waist.

"Thanks, Bertholdt." Tiffany smiled as the two walked away from the Barracks. 

"Tiffany! Were you summoned too?" Armin asked as he and Mikasa walked up to the two.

"Yeah, although, I don't know why. I wasn't there long enough to actually be called a witness, and I didn't even see him transform or turn back to human." Tiffany sighed as she walked with Bertholdt's help. 

"Do you think that they are going to use Tiffany's testimony as proof that Eren is the enemy?" Mikasa asked as she looked at Tiffany.

"Who knows, probably." Armin sighed as he opened the door to the court room. 

"I'll be outside." Bertholdt states as he releases Tiffany from his grasp.

"Okay, thanks Bertholdt." Tiffany smiled as she limped behind the Shiganshina duo. 

The three went inside of the courtroom and stood next to Rico and Pixis while they waited for the case to start. Not long later, the courtroom filled with soldiers from the different regiments, as well as other high-class citizens of Wall Sina. Tiffany already knew that things were gonna get a little messy judging off how this whole thing would determine where Eren would be located. She looked at both the Commander of the Survey Corps, and Military Police and wondered what each of their statements would be. Although she expected the Survey Corps to gain custody of Eren, since Erwin Smith was a good talker. Soon Eren was brought in, and the judge sat in his designated seat. 

"So, Eren Jeager, you pledged yourself as a soldier for mankind?" Judge Zackley asked as he read through the papers.

"Yes, Sir." Eren answered as he looked at the man in front of him. 

"This is to be a unprecedented case, and will determine which regiment you will be placed. Do you have any objections?" The man asked.

"No, Sir." Eren answered solemnly.

"Good, you understand quickly. We would have liked to keep this from the public, but your presence is hard to keep secret. We will be listening to the proposals of both the Scout Regiment as well as the Military Police. Will the Military Police make their proposal?" Zackley stated as he leaned back into his chair. 

"Yes, Sir. I, Nile Dawk, the Commander of the Military Police, propose that we examine his body and then kill him. We will learn all that we can about his abilities and then give him a martyr's death." Nile spoke with his brows creased slightly.

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