27- Good and Bad Things Discovered

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Elise's Pov
My body naturally woke me up in the middle of the night as I relived the memories from the past. I tightly gripped my necklace that laid gently around my neck and inhaled a deep breath before I sat up.

I looked down at the little alarm clock that stood on the nightstand reading that it was 4am. I reached over to the lamp standing beside the clock and the room quickly filled with light.

I sighed heavily as I laid my head back down on my pillow and stared off into space as my thoughts flashed through my head.

"How are my friends?"

"Are the police still looking for me?"

"Am I able to live a normal life after this?"

"Are you watching over me now mom and dad?"

"Is this just a really long dream?"

Those thoughts ran through my head as tears unexpectedly ran down my face. The feelings of different emotions running into one was something that I couldn't hold in anymore. I faced down on my pillow and sobbed into the headrest.

My cries were muffled by the pillow but I kept pressuring down on the pillow, hoping that I could just suffocate myself.

I finally raised my head up, still alive and wiped my uncontrollable snot that was coming out of my nose. "Disgusting Elise!" I cried as I got up and sluggishly walked to the bathroom. I blew my nose multiple times and cleaned myself up decently before sluggishly walking back to my room.

I slowly closed the door behind me and just stood there as my hands went behind my neck and unhooked my necklace. "Your last present to me." I gripped the necklace in my hand as my tears ran down my face.

I walk back towards the bed while examining my necklace again until my eyes darted to the wall as some of the light from the lamp shone on my necklace.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I held my necklace out to the lamp again just for it to show a dim outline of a rectangular shape on the wall.

I quickly grabbed the flashlight from the nightstand drawer and shut off the lamp, then I placed my necklace right up against the face of the flashlight and turned it on.

After a few adjustments, it shone a bright and clear outline of what seemed like a note. My eyes widened in astonishment and excitement as I realized what the note was about.

It was my parents note to me and the other guys. A missing piece for the formula of the poison we needed to defeat the Devil's Dark Knight's. I turned the lamp back on and examined my necklace carefully. "How in the world did they create this stone to have their message in there?" I questioned to myself as I peered at the little diamond in the center.

My ears suddenly perked up to hear a muffled sound. I quickly shook my head, saying that it was only my imagination until I heard it again. I stayed stilled and listened, I even stopped breathing for a few seconds just to hear a muffled cry come from outside.

I latched my necklace back onto my neck and walked over to the window just to see pitch darkness as the sun had not yet risen. "You're losing your mind Elise!" I slapped my cheek as I walked back to my bed, but before I could even take a step, I heard the muffled cry again.

I walked back to the nightstand and grabbed the flashlight and then turned back to the window. I slowly unlocked the frames and quietly set the frame onto the ground and then slowly stepped out the window into pitch darkness.

I turned on my flashlight and took a few steps from my window and listened again. The muffled cry continued as I listened closely to where it was coming from. I walked a few more steps forward, but then it sounded like the sound was coming from behind me.

I quickly turned around and walked back just to hear it behind me again. "Weird...." I slowly walked back until I felt and heard a creak from under my foot.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I shined my flashlight at my feet. I kneeled down and felt around the ground until I felt something weird, like the ground just turned over. I pulled back the thing I felt and quickly got up to reveal two doors leading down into the ground.

"What is this....?" I kneeled back down to see the doors closed with an open lock around the handles of the doors. I slowly took off the lock and quietly lifted the doors open to reveal a dark staircase leading into a dim lit passageway. I took a quick breath before taking a step onto the staircase and slowly descended down into the dark passageway.

The dim lights in the passage way made the atmosphere more uncomfortable and creepy as my feet slowly made its way to a large wooden door. I looked down to see a lock on the door, preventing anyone to get in.

I suddenly heard the same muffled cry coming from inside the room. "Hello? Who's in there?" I knocked on the door. I gripped the lock and looked down at the key slot of the lock. I looked around the door to see if there was a spare key and I even knocked on the stone wall to see if there was a secret compartment, but no luck in finding a key.

"Are you okay in there?" I knocked on the door, but I only got a reply by a muffled voice. "Hold on! I'll try to find something to help you get out of there." I turned on my flashlight and ran back down the passageway to go find anything that could help pick the lock.

As I was about to go up the stairs, a flash of something shiny came from under the first step of the staircase. I slowly leaned down and aimed my flashlight towards the glint to unveil a key. I snatched the key from the ground and ran back down the passageway to the locked door.

"Please work!" I begged and aligned the key as it perfectly slipped into the slot. I removed the lock and opened the giant door to reveal a girls figure sitting in a chair with a sack over her head.

"Hello....?" I quietly replied as I slowly walked towards her. She popped her head up and her muffled voice cried out to me. I quickly leaned over as I approached her and lifted the bag off her head to reveal her face.

She looked beaten up with dried blood on her neck and had a scarf around her mouth to prevent her from talking. She looked up at me with scared eyes, begging me to help her.

I continued to untie the scarf around her mouth to let her speak. "Who are you?" I asked. "I-I'm Scarlet. I was kidnapped and put into this cell like this. I don't know how many days or weeks I been here." She leaned her head down as she softly cried.

"Who kidnapped you?" I asked. She looked back up at me with rage in her eyes, but it quickly settled back down to sadness. "These guys in masks. They said they were the Devil's Dark Knights." She stuttered nervously. My heart began to race as Felix and the other boys rushed through my head.

"Do you remember what they looked like?" I now questioned, but she shook her head. "I couldn't see properly because of their mask, but I remember the name they called one of their members." She sighed deeply as she thought over the name. I just stood there, holding my breath as to what she was going to say.

"They called one of their members Felix."

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