November 24, 2013

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My family stood in front of the wooden front door of the Burroughs' home with presents for Ceci in our hands. It wasn't her actual birthday, but we ate Sunday dinner together once a month, and this one was dedicated to her since she'd turn fifteen in a few days.

The door opened and there stood my best friend, a smile lighting up her pretty face.

"Happy birthday!" we called out in unison.

"Thanks, you guys!" she gushed as she stepped aside so that we could come in from the frigid cold November air.

After setting her gifts in the family room, we took off our coats and Eric hung them up in the hall closet.

"Something smells incredible," my dad said.

"The birthday girl requested cheese fondue as an appetizer and roast beef tenderloin for the entree. We're also having creamed spinach, Caesar salad, and rolls," Lisa explained.

"What kind of cake did you pick?" Aaliyah asked Ceci.

"Black Forest cherry cake," she replied.

The whole meal sounded fantastic to me, but I was happier about spending time with Ceci than I was about the food. This said a lot because I loved to eat.

Our parents and Aaliyah went into the kitchen where a fondue bar was set up on the kitchen island. I grabbed Ceci's arm so that she'd hang back with me a second. Then I pulled her in for a long hug, breathing deep her sweet scent. Her shampoo and perfume meshed together to form an intoxicating combination that always made me feel at home.

"Happy birthday," I whispered in her ear.

She stepped back and grinned up at me. "I'm kind of in awe that the famous Shawn Mendes is here to celebrate with me."

"I'm not famous," I said as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"No? You've amassed a pretty huge following with your Vines and YouTube videos. I'd say you're the most famous person in Pickering, Ontario."

"Yeah, but it's not like that means anything. I'm just a Canadian kid posting stuff that people like. That's a far cry from being Justin Bieber."

"Well I think Bieber better look out, because one day you'll be bigger than him," she said in a sincere voice that told me she meant it.

"You're nuts," I chuckled.

"Are you two coming in? We're waiting for you!" Eric called from the kitchen.

"Let's eat," Ceci said, taking me by the hand.

Between fondue and dinner, we took a break from eating and sat in the family room while a fire warmed the room.

"How's your sophomore year going?" Eric asked me as he sipped a glass of red wine.

"It's okay. Hockey is the best thing about school."

"You looked really good on the ice last season. I can't wait to see you play this year," Eric said.

Ceci's family was always there to support me at soccer and hockey games. Eric had been a center on his high school and college hockey teams, so he took a particular interest in how I did.

We spent a few minutes discussing my team's roster and everyone's positions before the conversation shifted over to Ceci. She didn't play any sports, but she was extremely active in several math and engineering clubs. Brian liked to joke that she was the hottest nerd to ever exist. He still had a thing for her and begged me to invite her to stuff so that he could spend time with her. She'd occasionally come to a party and hang out with our mutual friends, but she wasn't into drinking or smoking weed like a lot of our peers were. I drank occasionally, but not so much that I'd ever lost control.

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