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'Stop struggling, you're going to make me even more angrier than before!'

The young woman stared up at her attacker, the sun shone down on the both of them, the light blinding her, which caused a problem, she couldn't see her attackers face, she was going to die not knowing. In thinking that, she struggled more, lashing out at his legs, trying to knock him over, trying to stun him as best she could, but nothing was happening. All he did was take a step back, 'I can wait you know, when you tire yourself out, it'll be a lot easier for me'. He was right, which was what infuriated her, he was waiting for her to let her guard down... Not like it already hadn't, he'd already taken her down and she wasn't a small woman, being six feet, she towered over most girls at school.
Pain shot through her leg and she was brought back to reality when she saw that he had brought his boot down on her leg, 'pay attention to me, look at me, I wanna see them!' She didn't want to, but she was in a very difficult position, she looked his straight in the eyes, he leaned down a little and she hissed in pain as almost all his weight bore down on her leg, which was still trapped underneath his army cadet boot, 'beautiful, they're beautiful', he seemed to be in a trance, but only for a few seconds before he snapped back into his usual self, he can't be distracted, 'keep this in your mind, no one is going to be looking for you, I've looked into your background', so that was how he knew her, 'and I know that no one would really bat an eyelash... Except for school friends I guess, but who's going to believe some snotty school kids?' She could see the gleam of a gun and her eyes widened and the man looked down to where his gun was, 'oh, yes don't worry, I'll be using it later, but right now, I wanna have some fun'.
His shadowy face was all she could remember before she passed out.

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