Chapter 24

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When Baloc arrived at the autopsy room, he found Stacey hunched over in her chair, she looked up when he knocked lightly on the door, 'you okay?' He asked, even though he knew how she wasn't, he just wanted to hear her talk. She nodded, her eyes looking rather forlorn, 'any news?' Her voice was almost too quiet for him to hear, he nodded, 'he's going to be fine, but he'd lost a lot of blood'. She rubbed her eyes, 'goddamn it', he joined her side, but before he touched her shoulder, something in the corner of his eye glinted and he looked over to see the object they had found on the ground from the last crime scene, 'the accessory looks rather nice, it's a shame to lose it'. Stacey looked up, her eyes were blood shot, 'yeah, it's a shame'.

'It looks like it wasn't there for too long though, there's been no evidence of it being trodden on or run over... Does it even belong to our victim?'

Stacey shrugged, 'I really don't know', he turned to her, 'Stacey, you need to go home, you need to rest, let Rushforth and I handle this', she opened her mouth to protest but saw that he wasn't going to take no for an answer, she sighed, 'fine, I'll head off, but what about -'.

'Rushforth will handle it, you need to take care of yourself okay'.

He touched her shoulder for a few seconds, 'go, I've got this', he mumble to her before she left the room, leaving him alone. Baloc's eyes returned to the key chain, don't throw it aside, it looks fresh, it could belong to the killer! The little voice could be right, but he had no proof, but it was better to be safe than sorry. 
It wasn't long before Rushforth joined Baloc in the room, 'it's hit everyone at the moment, I wouldn't blame her going home', he muttered, he noticed Baloc standing near the accessory, 'you thinking what I've been thinking?' Rushforth said as he joined Baloc's side to examined the sparkling bullet, 'it's most likely the killers, it hasn't been damaged, it looks fairly new, may have fallen off during the struggle'. Rushforth frowned, 'wait, give me a second', he grabbed one of the magnifying glasses, 'really? You need that? You just spotted something without it', Baloc said flatly as he leaned in closer with Rushforth, 'can you see it?' Baloc took the magnifying glass and looked through, 'are those initials?'

'Yeah, they could be, I read G.A.D?'

'Yeah, that's what I'm seeing as well, G.A.D'.


He watched carefully as the young woman moved through her home, he'd found another, one that was perfect, she was beautiful. She had just arrived home from work, he only assumed that. He moved around the house quietly, making sure no one else could see him, that's the last thing I need. He looked through the side window, he was near the living room. He hoped that the window would open, but to his annoyance, it was locked, did she bother to open this window? Looking down at the lock it was soon confirmed that his thoughts were right, the hinges were slightly rusted and the lock was aged, yeah there's no way I'm going in through this way. He moved further up to the next, this time he was looking into the bedroom, 'perfect', he whispered, his fingers gripped the wooden frame of the window and he smiled when it opened, someone forgot to lock the window. He climbed in silently, his feet greeting the soft carpet. A sweet flowery scent filled his nostrils, perfume

She was in the kitchen and she'd changed, her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and she wore shorts with an oversize tee shirt, could just see the shorts. He watched her for a few moments as she bustled around in front of him, her headphones over her ears, she was wired for sound, good, he could make as much noise as he wanted. Slowly he went for the knives block, his eyes flickered over to the woman who still had her back to him. only a few more inches. Suddenly there was barking and he spun around coming face to face with a dog, oh you've got to be kidding me, a fucking Pitbull! He heard a scream, she'd turned around, her eyes wide with shock, the dog was loud enough to catch her attention. The only thing that separated her from him was the island table. He didn't have any chance when the Pitbull lunged at him, it's jaws clamped around his ankle. He let out a strangled cry, trying to shake the dog off, he was too engrossed on trying to keep his ankle intact that he forgot about the woman. But the moment he looked at her he knew he had to get out, she had called them, he couldn't have her, she looked him straight in the eye, those beautiful colorful eyes filled with fear. He fell back a little, his elbow knocking the knives block over, hissing in pain when the knives fell on his hands. 

'Who the fuck are you!?'

She screamed at him, but before she could do anything, he'd kicked the dog aside, hearing it whimper in pain, good, you little shit! He limped through the house, pain flared up his leg, shit shit shit! The door, where the fuck was the door, you know what? Fuck it! He barreled towards one of the windows, he didn't care if it hurt, he had to get out. The leather jacket he was wearing had stopped him from falling too far, but he heard it tear, ah you piece of shit! He picked himself up and ran, his injured ankle protested, but he had to get out of her before the cops came.

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