Chapter 16

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Storm had almost had enough, another body was found, it couldn't be the same guy, when he reached the taped off area, he could spot the car, a small Ford. The body was covered when Storm reached it, Rushforth was already there, crouching over his kit.


Storm muttered as he joined Rushforth's side, 'cause of death?' Rushforth sighed, 'strangulation, but that's it, nothing else, there's scrapes so it was evident that there was a fight'. Some people had gathered to see what all the fuss was about, they still got on Storm's nerves, but the next crowd that Storm was hoping to miss were the media.

'I contacted Baloc as well, just so he's fully updated'.

'Good, so I've got the girl's ID'.

He picked up her wallet, 'Nancy Morgan, it's gonna be easy because she's a student, we can obtain everything we need', perfect, 'so I'm guessing I'm going to have to tell the family', Rushforth sighed, 'I heard about the first victims family, Santara Milano, they acted like they didn't give a shit about her'. Storm wanted to erase the whole encounter, but he couldn't and sometimes he wished he could be like Baloc, not take the brute force of the whole event.

'I'll let you know when I've got the body in the autopsy room'.


When he reached the cobbled steps of the house, he had to pause for a few moments. Before him was a family who were about to hear that their daughter was dead. The family wasn't poor that's for sure, the garden was well kept and the house looked pristine clean.
Storm couldn't help but touch the polished wooden door before him, taking a few deep breaths before knocking, he could hear people moving around inside and in a couples minutes, the door opened, revealing a woman, her blonde hair began to fade to a grey from her roots, her skin was creased with age, but she still looked lively. He absolutely hated this part of the job, 'oh hello there, how may I help you?' He flicked her the badge, 'FBI Agent Storm Fernald, I'm here to talk to you about your daughter, Nancy Morgan?' The woman froze, her eyes were wide as saucers, 'what happened? Where's my baby?'

'I'm sorry to tell you, but you daughter was found, deceased just outside the premises of her University, St Guildercliffs'.

It'd gone quiet, only the sounds of cars in the background, the woman stood frozen before him, not saying a single thing, and I wouldn't blame her, a few moments later he heard a voice from behind, calling her name, 'Abigail, what's wrong? Who're you talking to?' The door opened a little wider to reveal a tall man, in his fifties, just like the woman, before Storm could introduce himself, the woman began to scream. Storm took a couple of steps back, he'd gone through these reactions before, but he couldn't deny that they didn't affect him, the man had grabbed a hold of the woman, trying to soothe her, his questioning gaze flickered over to Storm.

'She's dead Frank! My baby's dead!'


He looked up furiously at Storm who was tempted to take another step back, but he knew he couldn't, 'I'm sorry to inform you -'.

'What the hell happened!?'

'I can't disclose that information -'.

Suddenly, Storm was on his toes, the man had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up a little, 'you better tell me or else -'.

'Please put my partner down sir'.

Storm almost sighed in relief when he recognized Baloc's firm tone, 'Frank, leave the man alone, he's done nothing wrong!' The lady names Abigail spoke, her cheeks were littered with tears, pain, hurt and loss all in one. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to go home.


'You shouldn't have gone out there alone Storm'.

Baloc wasn't almost annoyed, but he knew it was still his job to report, he stole a quick glance towards his partner and could tell he wasn't listening. Seeing his face reminded him of himself on his first few years in the force, he was slightly traumatized, 'Storm?' His partner slowly turned his head to him, 'you did good', that was all he had to say, there wasn't much Storm could do.

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