Chapter 9

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There was a knock on the door and Deacon awoke, who in the hell is knocking at this time? She rubbed her eyes and grabbed her dressing gown and trudged through the house. It was cold as ever, she was greeted by a big box, 'what the hell?' She touched the it, I didn't order anything, she tried to push it, it wouldn't budge, at one point her leg touched the cardboard and quickly she drew herself back, the box was wet and liquid was warm. When she looked down she almost screamed, the liquid that covered her leg was dark, the lighting wasn't amazing, but she had a strange feeling she knew what it was. Her body was shaking as she quickly made her way back to the kitchen to grab a knife. Looking over at the light switch, she pondered whether or not she should bother to turn it on, but she wanted to know. When she hit the button, the room was flooded with light and she looked down at her leg and screamed, sure enough it was blood. There was no way she was going to open the box so she quickly grabbed the phone, her heart was pounding against her chest as she dialed the number.


She had realized that a full team had made their way to her house, she felt gentle hands lead her to the ambulance, a blanket was wrapped around her. She hadn't looked up, but she noticed two shiny shoes appear near pink fluffy slippers.

'Miss Georgina?'

She slowly looked up to come face to face with a tall man, the first thing she thought of him was intimidating. He flashed her his badge, FBI Agent Baloc Robertson. Even though he was intimidating, he was still good looking, he looked a few years older than her. Her heart was slamming against her rib cage, 'I didn't do it', she mumbled to him and surprisingly he heard her, 'I never said you did, it wouldn't make any sense with you sending a dead body to yourself'. Unless you're trying to eliminate yourself, no, he had to make an effort to see if she was really the victim.

'Do you know of anyone who holds a grudge against you?'

She looked up at him once again, 'no...', that answer was very believable, he asked again, 'do you know of anyone who holds a grudge against you?' She sighed and looked away, 'yes, but I don't know what their name is, or what they look like'. She could see the frustration in his eyes, the reaction is completely valid, it sounded unbelievable . He shook his head in annoyance, 'I'm surprised that you don't know, so what has this stranger done to you that makes you think they've got a grudge against you'.

Baloc examined the young woman before her, she was pretty,even though it looked like she had just got out of bed, her hair was wild from the wind and she was wrapped in a blanket, which covered a pink dressing gown, he managed to look down a little to see that she was wearing pink fluffy slippers, the one thing that irritated him was the fact that she wouldn't meet his gaze, she always looked down, he tried to keep himself together. She tried to explain to him what had happened in her past, he knew it was hard for her, but he knew there was more to the story.

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