Chapter 6

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Baloc was at his desk in the office when he was notified about another body, 'oh Christ', he shut his eyes for a few moments and tried to take everything in. Storm joined his side, his expression grim, 'I just heard, the pattern suggests the same killer, he raped the girl as well'. There was something terribly wrong with this person, Baloc shook his head in shock, 'who is she?' Storm lead him in to one of the rooms, there were pictures of the young woman and seemed about the same age as the previous victim, she was beautiful, just like Santara Milano, her body was bruised and littered with cuts. Stacey was occupied with the samples, she hadn't noticed both men had entered until she turned around, her skin was slightly pale, 'Jesus you two, you scared me!' Storm smirked, 'sorry, we didn't mean to', the smile was gone, 'where was the victim found?'

'At an old junkyard, that wasn't where crime was committed though, she was just dumped there'.


He turned away, raking his fingers through his hair, the longer this killer was out there, the more people were going to die, they might be just targeting women though, but he didn't know that just yet, but he didn't want any proof, no woman should die next to get his confirmation. He turned back to the body, 'her name was Sarah Rogers'.

'Was there anything else that you know about her?'

'She wasn't treated as badly as Santara was by her family, in fact she was quite popular, which is totally different compared to Milano'.

'Alright, so has anyone spoken to Milano's family?'

'Not just yet, Storm was thinking of doing it, but maybe -'.

'I do it?'

Stacey shrugged, which was enough of an agreement for him to accept and Storm sighed, ready to protest, but he knew better. Baloc nodded, 'I'll join him, but I'll allow him to do the talking'.


The doorbell was broken so Storm knocked, he looked back at Baloc, but he avoided his gaze. They could hear shouting from inside, followed by footsteps and in a couple of seconds the door swung open, revealing a woman, she was smaller than both men, her skin was tanned, her black hair had been forced into a bun, she looked tired and her eyes held small bags underneath, 'who're you?' Was all she asked and Storm took a moment before he answered.

'FBI Agent Fernald and my partner FBI Agent Robertson, we'd like to talk to you about your daughter'.

'Santara? I haven't seen her'.

'Yes, we know, that's why we're here'.

'Really? What's the bitch done now?'

Baloc raised his eyebrows at her, 'can we come in please?' She seemed to hesitate before opening the door wider for them, they both followed her into the living room, 'Jason, FBI are here', they heard a glass slam onto the counter, 'what the hell do they want?!' The man named Jason appeared, his eyes were wide with anger, 'what'd you want?' He walked up to Storm, who was slightly smaller than he was, but Baloc still towered over him.

'You after her?'

'We're sorry to say, but your daughter has passed away, both Jason and the woman froze, 'she was found in one of the old junkyards just on Green street'. Baloc watched carefully, their expressions changed slightly, the man spoke, 'the bitch got whatever she deserved'. Baloc could see one of Storm's hands clench into a fist, 'would you like to verify -'.

'No, we don't'.

Jason was the boss in this household, they could clearly tell and they sure as hell didn't need to be shown where to the door was, the more time they spent in the house, the more each person grew agitated, 'we're sorry to interfere then, we'll be going now'. Baloc, brushed past Storm, indicating that the job was done and there was nothing more to do.
When they had gotten into the car, Storm cursed, 'what the fuck was that about?' But Baloc rubbed his temples, 'welcome to the real world kiddo. Some people may not be missed by others and there's nothing we can do about it'.

'But you brushed it off like you didn't care!'

Baloc glared at him, 'what was I meant to do, yell at them? Can you image what would happen if I did that?' Storm faltered, yes, exactly, 'I care for Miss Milano, but I won't step over the line and this is something you need to hold back on. Grab the bull by it's horn'. Storm nodded and Baloc knew that he said all he could, he started car up and hit the accelerator, driving away from the Minalo's. 

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