Chapter 33

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Baloc smiled, this is what he loved about Rushforth, he knew to avoid stating the obvious, but he was always truthful, so hearing those words made Baloc warm, he wasn't alone on this, I'll go meet Storm and I'll bring some things with me'.


The last time he saw Storm, he had grown some stubble, but having received his shaver, his features were tidy, 'it feels like years', he faked an over dramatic tone as Baloc sat down with a computer and a couple of files, 'I've missed you too buddy'.

'So what happened? The last time I saw you, there was some break in'.

Baloc nodded, 'yes, the woman that lived there is alright, but I know that it's the same man who's killed those girls', Storm frowned, 'same man? What links this to the girls? It was a break in was it not?'.

'Yes, but he only got up to breaking and entering the house, though he just went through an open window, he wasn't able to hurt the woman because her dog attacked him. The reason why I know it's the same guy is because she also has Segmental Heterochromia'.

Storm rubbed his eyes, 'you and your heterochromia shit, it's giving me a headache', honestly I wouldn't blame him. Baloc fired up the computer and showed him the two pieces, so the first clue was this key chain accessory and the second is a piece of leather, probably from a jacket'. Storm leaned over a little to examine the picture of the leather, 'huh, it looks like my clasher leather jacket'.

'Wait? How can you tell?'

'I dunno I mean, I wear it a lot, so I can recognize Jack London when I see it'.

Both were quiet until Storm spoke up again, 'maybe check out the Jack London store we have in the central area, you could get lucky', Baloc looked down at the accessory, 'I've got another idea as well, see here, there are the three letters'.

'They look like initials'.

'Exactly, I'm going to go to that store and try and see if they can back track as far as they can to see if there are any matching initials'.

Baloc went to pack up, but quickly stopped, his eyes flickered up to Storm, but he smiled, 'hey, don't worry about me, I got you back on track, it's not like I'm going anywhere', that was enough for him to pack everything and leave, you didn't need to bring all of that shit, you know Storm, all you needed to do was just talk to him.

It had taken a while until he managed to find the Jack London store, it wasn't as busy as he'd thought it would be, but that also made his job easier. When he entered, he was hit by cool air, which caused him to wrap his cloak around his body, god why the fuck did it have to be so cold. A young woman greeted him, only wearing a singlet, what the actual fuck? He ignored the little voice in his head and showed her his badge, 'Agent Robertson, I was hoping if you could help me, could I speak to your manager?' The woman seemed a little nervous, but then again, you don't have an Agent flash his badge at you everyday do you?
A few moment later the woman returned and this time had a man following her, he smiled at Baloc, offering his hand, in which Baloc gently took, 'how may I help you?'

'I'm investigating a case and I was hoping if you could help me, you see if you're able to, I've been trying to link things together and I'm hoping to see if you can backtrack your customers from this year?'

The man seemed shocked, but after seeing Baloc's badge, he nodded, 'yes of course, that's easy', he motioned for him to follow and he led him to the back where the register was, 'give me a second, so what are you after... Usually I wouldn't do this -'.

'I'll be forever grateful, it's very important and it may serve to help my team and I'.

The man shut his mouth, completely forgetting about the sentence he was about to give. The computer came to life and Baloc watched the man typed in a few numbers and suddenly the screen was filled with a list, Jesus fucking Christ, did we just hit the mother load of Jack London?

'I'm after anyone with the initials G.A.D'.

The man punched in the letters and the list began to grow smaller, ah crap, there were a few, but.... His eyes landed on a name, it looked familiar. It took maybe, 5 minutes until Baloc had his phone in his hand and began dialing in Deacon's number.


She wasn't meant to be here, but she'd forgotten some things and she wasn't going to start buying more when she already had them, she even forgot her phone, you moron, she grabbed a couple of items from the bathroom. When she returned to the kitchen she spotted a leather jacket on the seat, bloody hell Greg, she grabbed it in frustration, but stopped when something fell from one of the pockets, glass? She shook the jacket a little more and a few more pieces fell out, 'what the fuck?' She screamed when there was a loud buzzing noise, it's your fucking phone you idiot. She grabbed the phone off the counter, It's him! She quickly answered, 'Agent Robertson?'


Alright, we drop the formalities then...

'Are you alright, what's wrong?'

'What's your brothers full name?'

Deacon froze, shit... What was his middle name? 'Uh, I think his middle name is Adam, Greg Adam Delfino... Why?' It had gone quiet, but only for a few moments, 'Deacon, are you still in the safe house?'

'Uh... no, I'm back home, I was getting a few things, but I just found Greg's jacket, he left it behind a couple of days ago'.

'Is it leather? From Jack London?'
She checked the label and her eyes grew wide, 'yeah it's from Jack London... Shit he's done some damage to the jacket'.
'Does it look like it's been torn?'
He's right, it looks torn, 'what you trying to get at Baloc?' A few moments of silence and then he answered, 'Deacon, I want to you to head back to the safe house and I'll meet you there okay?' It's and order, now do as he says, her heart fluttered, 'okay, I'll see you there'. The line went dead.

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