Chapter 34

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When she arrived, she saw that Baloc had beaten her to the house, he looked a little disturbed, when she stood in front of him she realized how big he was, he towered over her.
'What's wrong?'
'There was a break in not that long ago and there was a piece of leather left behind at the scene, Greg's jacket was torn'.
'He had glass in his pockets'.
Baloc nodded, 'I was also told that he'd thrown himself out the window in order to escape because of the dog, which would explain the glass being in his pocket'. It all made sense, but Deacon shook her head, 'no, you've got it all wrong', he cocked an eyebrow at her, 'do I?' She rolled her eyes and made her way into the house, 'Greg has nothing to do with this'.
'Okay, then tell me why, I'd love to hear this out'. She didn't like his tone at all, 'don't be such a jackass!' She hissed at him and he glared down at her, 'I'm the jackass?' He laughed, 'I'm not even going to apologise, I'm getting somewhere and it's not looking very good for Greg -'.
His hand automatically came up to his cheek in shock and pain, she'd slapped him. Her defiant glare pierced him. But only for a second when he slowly took a few steps towards her. She'd started to back away, 'I'm sorr -', he lunged forward and shoved her up against the counter, his lips on hers. She struggled, her body pressed against his own. But she soon gave in and her hands grabbed his shoulders as he pressed her harder into the counter. Baloc leaned down a little and picked her up, slamming her a little into the cabinets, Deacon could have screamed, but she didn't, instead her grip tightened on him. Then he pulled back a little only so he could press his forehead against hers, working on her jeans and then his own, Baloc was waiting for her to start fighting him, to tell him that she didn't want to do this. But she pressed her lips against his once again, pushing her tongue into his mouth, exciting him more. He pushed back a little and brought her hips forward just so she was on the edge of the counter.
He positioned himself and slowly pushed in and this time Deacon almost screamed, shit, we've got a virgin, go slower, hold back a little. He stopped for a few seconds, he wasn't inside her just yet, he stopped kissing her, 'I'm gonna push a little harder, but tell me when to stop okay?', he felt her nod and he began to push in. Her grip on him began to tighten once again as she struggled to take him.
Deacon wasn't scared, she thought she would be, but not when he was holding her, the frustration hit hard when he pushed but wasn't inside her , 'goddamn it, fuck me!' She felt Baloc falter, but only for a moment, then he rolled his hips and shoved himself in, she screamed once again when she felt something break inside her, she wanted to kick him off, rip his hair out, but the mere thought of fighting him turned her on even more. When Baloc was fully sheathed he'd stopped moving, it had been a while, so the sensation was quite sensitive, 'shit!' He tried to keep it together as he tried to roll his hips, taking a few breaths, he began to move, rolling her hips against hers. Feeling her body up against his own as he pressed her into the cupboards. He did an experimental shove, which caused Deacon to wrap her legs around his waist, a sudden forced groan filled his ears and he didn't know if it was from pain or pleasure. He started to quicken his pace, but he decided that he didn't want to finish here. Baloc gently pulled himself out and hoisted her up and she tightened her legs around him so that she wouldn't fall whilst he carried her to the bedroom, where he ceremonially dumped her onto the bed.
Deacon went to kiss him again when he crawled on top of her, but he pinned her down and they lay there for a few moments, staring each other's eyes. Her face began to grow hot and her heart began to race, she had to look away, but she couldn't because he captured her lips once again. Baloc didn't want to wait, he reentered her, hearing her gasp against his mouth, allowing him to swallow her whimpers as he began thrusting into her. He was close, so close and he hoped she was too.
She felt him quicken his pace and felt his grip on her wrist tighten and he pulled back a little, 'fuck, I'm gonna cum', he rolled his hips a couple of times before his eyes grew wide and he tried to pull out of her. But she wrapped her legs up and around his waist to prevent him from leaving, 'Dee, no-', his words were stuck in his throat as his whole body tensed whilst he came. It was him that started to struggle,his hands trying to work on her legs, trying to remove them but she held on tightly, her lips pressed against his own, swallowing his pleads and whimpers. She was still rolling her hips, which was sending him over the edge. Struggling was only going to make things worse, so he collapsed in her, but tried his best to not put all of his weight down on her, she was tiny, so delicate. He tried to roll them over onto their side, 'fuck', he mumbled as he went to pull himself out, he hadn't used a condom, this moment had happened so fast and he didn't want to stop. He hadn't realized that he'd closed his eyes until she touched his cheeks 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you', her eyes filled with sorrow, but he smiled and brought her into another passionate kiss, 'by all means you can slap me anytime sweetheart'.

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