Chapter 21

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Shit, shit, shit! I missed, how could I miss!? She was right there, right in front of me! He snarled at himself, he didn't have much ammo left, but his anger was getting the better of him, he showered the police cars with bullets, he shouldn't be doing this, there was one lucky bullet from the 93 that hit a target, but it was the wrong one. That bullet was meant for her, he missed and in a fit of anger he had fired another shot, which hit the young man who charged outside, serves him right for running out like an idiot. He couldn't help but smile to himself and then something caught his eye, there was someone moving through the plants, gotcha, he focused on the person, though he couldn't see well, he could at least graze them. 
He would've gotten the chance if a bullet hadn't come flying past his head and into the tree trunk next to him, he struggle to back away with the 93 in his hand, they had spotted him. He looked up just in time to see a couple of cops headed his way, he had to get out of here, but he couldn't take everything with him. The only thing he could take was his 93 and the ammo. But in a rush of panic, he dropped half of the bullets, fucking hell! There was no time to pick the remains up, he turned and ran, his vehicle wasn't far away


Baloc could see him, he knew he had to shooters attention and he was ready for a bullet to come flying, but he wasn't the only one who had spotted the shooter up in the bushes, a couple of cops fired a few rounds towards the shooter, shocking him and causing him to panic, perfect, he would've left a few things behind. He watched as the shooter rushed off, he still had the gun and the duffel bag. 

Deacon stood motionless as she watched the young Agent being hauled into the ambulance, her hands were soaked in red, his blood. She was shaking all over, there was no way she was looking down. Is the shooter gone? He must be, no one was screaming, no more shots were fired. She jumped when gentle hands touched her shoulders and she turned to see Baloc, he had distracted the shooter for a split second, it may have been a short time, but it was enough for the others to spot him, every second counts.

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