Chapter 32

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The place was inviting, but nothing like her home back in Duncraig, she paced around the kitchen and in the living room, 'I love it when you do that', she turned to see Greg standing in the doorway, the cut on his forehead was now cleaned and stitched. He noticed her eyeing the wound and he gently touched it, 'it looks horrible, I know'.

'No, no god no, it's just... I almost lost you'.

He tugged her into a hug, 'try not to think about it, I'm still here okay', she closed her eyes, it was still morning, but she was suddenly so tired, 'are you going to stay?' He sighed, 'I will, for as long as you want me to'. Once he was able to unwind himself from her arms, he brought her over to the sofa, 'you should rest, I'm a little tired myself, the shock's still getting to me', she nodded slowly, he was right, she was tired, 'I won't be going anywhere okay', he whispered, that was the last thing she heard before she fell into a deep slumber.


He trudged towards the house, that was where he agreed to meet the young boy, he had one job, one fucking job and he almost blew it! The anger seeped in slowly as he made his way through the bushes. The house was up ahead and he could see the boy, he was waiting for him, his ankle was starting to hurt now, probably infected now. The stairs creaked as he made his way up, passing the boy to unlock the door, he was seeing red by now.

'Are you ok -'.

Once the door was open, he spun around and grabbed the boy by his collar and dragged him inside. The house was dark, he'd only left the outdoor light on so that he'd at least be able to find the home.

'What're you doing!?'

The boy squealed as he was thrown onto the floor, 'I did as you asked, I -', he didn't want to hear any more excuses, so he pulled out the pistol from his belt and pointed it at him, 'you almost fucked it up for me, did you know that?' The boy cowered over, 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to!' He narrowed his eyes at the boy, 'not good enough you piece of shit!' He pulled the trigger.


Baloc shuffled through the photos of the young women, he'd checked up on Nancy to see if she was fine, which she was, but he still felt on edge, he had faith in his officers, but sometimes he'd been let down.
A piece of leather, the key accessory, two items that linked the man. Deacon's brother had been lucky, very lucky to have only a scar on his forehead. Rushforth joined his side, 'Storm called'.

'Really? What for?'

'He said he's rather bored and I do agree with him on that one, being confined to a bed isn't necessarily fun'.

'Well... What am I going to do about it?'

Rushforth chuckled, 'he was wondering if you could give him updates about the case and you know Storm, he doesn't like being left behind'. Baloc rolled his eyes, 'fine', he mumbled, 'I'll see what I can do'. The killer was so close but yet so far and it frustrated him, 'there's no point in me saying that we'll catch the killer', Rushforth muttered as he examined the two items on the trays, 'but I can say that I'm not going to give up'.

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