Chapter 39

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Her lungs were hurting as she tried to scream more, there's no use, no one is coming, if they did, it'll be too late, you'll be dead. She felt him kiss her neck, she'd closed her eyes from the beginning, because she didn't want to look at the person who she held in her arms when she was only 5 years old, the one she called "brother".

'Greg, please, just stop, I'll do anything, but just not this'.

He stopped, 'but this is what I want you to do', she tried to pull away from him but the chains caused grief on her wrist, was it sweat that was trickling down from the chains, or blood? Deacon didn't care, she just wanted all of this to end, she wanted Greg to disappear. He'd been kissing her for quite some time and she feared the most, the one thing she hoped he wouldn't do. He began to unbuckle his belt, no no no!

'I'm still quite upset with you, you know that? So I think you'll need to be punished first'.

'What're you -'.

Her words were stuck in her throat when he brought the belt down on her back, Jesus fucking Christ almighty! She clenched her jaw and screwed her eyes shut as she tried to pull against the chain, 'remember', his voiced echoed through the warehouse, 'you deserve every single strike', again he brought the belt down on her back again and this time she cried out in pain, 'do you hear me!?' He continued to strike her, the pain was agonizing, 'I said Do. You. Hear. Me!'

'Yes, I hear you!'
He swung the belt down harder and this time the belt buckle hit the edge of her shoulder blade and she arched her back, 'fuck! Stop, just please stop!' She cried out and she turned her head to see him bring the belt up once again, what stopped him was the sudden noise that echoed through the warehouse. Both of them froze. Deacon was shivering from the pain, but tried to focus on the sudden sound, it sounded like footsteps, 'shit!' Greg dropped his belt and grabbed the pistol from his holster, you're lucky he didn't use that on you, Deacon felt relieved, but slightly disturbed, it meant that he wanted to relish in her fear, the knife was there to play with her. He didn't want her dead after all, her eyes flickered up towards the stairs, the thing was, the it sounded like it came from every direction, so who knew where this intruder was.
'Show yourself you piece of shit, I can hear you!'
She felt relieved, someone had made it! But who the hell was it? She wanted to risk it, 'Baloc!?' Greg spun around and pointed the gun at her, okay! Scratch that plan! I think you'd want your brains inside your head right?
'Shut the hell up Deacon'.
He hissed at her, 'I won't hesitate to shoot you if I have to', he turned his back on her again, slowly pacing around, she could see his knuckles had grown white, he's scared, serves him right. Another noise, again the sound filled the warehouse and Greg pointed the gun around, 'come out and fight me you coward!' It was nice to see him scared, it brought great joy to Deacon. Suddenly, a gunshot, she felt the bullet hit the chain above her, Jesus, they're a marksman! But she didn't know if they were really aiming for the chain. Greg spun around again, firing shots over Deacon's head, she flinched, afraid that he'd shoot her right between her eyes, 'come on buddy, you fired your warning shot, I've put chains on her wrists, you can't free her, you see, I have the key', Deacon watched Greg pull it out of his pocket, you have to get it from him somehow, but how the fuck are you gonna do that!?
Another shot, but it was intended for Greg, though the bullet ceremoniously missed and hit one of the metal containers which ricocheted off and embedded itself the wall nearby.
Shit, anymore bullets and they'll all be killed.
She watched Greg pacing back and forth, his gun was ready, this mysterious person was putting him on edge, perfect, how do you like that feeling? Knowing someone is out there, hoping to down you with a bullet?
Another noise and this time it was coming from Deacon's right and Greg pointed his gun towards the rusty barrels. Then she heard it, the distant sounds of sirens, they're here! She almost cried with joy, but she still knew that she was in deep trouble. This mystery person couldn't get out because he was standing guard. she had to think of something, but after a few moments she mustered up the courage carefully lift herself up onto her feet, this is practically suicide, but it was the only chance that she got. So she began to swing back and forth, the fact that the chains didn't make enough noise for Greg to hear was a fucking blessing. She couldn't reach him, she kept on swinging to the point she could feel her feet lift off the ground, another noise, a little louder. The stranger could see what she was doing and she watched as a scrap piece of metal came  flying towards her brother, hitting him straight in the face which caused him to take a couple of steps back, out of my way you wanker! She brought her feet out and placed all of her weight into the last push and slammed straight into Greg, sending him flying forward. He cried out in pain as he collided with one of the large dumping containers, I'll be damned if he didn't break anything.
It took a few moments until she saw him move, but by the time he was up on his feet, the sirens were basically outside the warehouse, 'no no no! Fuck!' He turned to Deacon, the gun pointed at her, 'Greg no, please we can sort this out!' He would have killed her, the bullet would have embedded into her skull, if it wasn't for another bullet, which had come flying out of nowhere again and whizzed past him, she would've been well and truly gone, sadly it had just missing Greg's head, but it did cause him to lose his aim.
'You think you're tough buddy!?'
Suddenly, Greg shot the crane from above, allowing a pile of planks and bricks to fall. Deacons heart sank when she watched them fall into the barrels below, almost destroying everything, destroying the person hiding there.
It was only a few moments when she heard rustling and a groan, 'fuck this shit', she recognized that voice, but she couldn't pinpoint who it was. Her heart almost stopped when she saw the figure emerge, the gun still in his hand, the other hold onto his side, blood stained his shirt. Fucking Storm Fernald!?
'Who the fuck are you?'
Greg growled, his gun now trained on the FBI Agent before him, 'Agent Fernald' he breathed out. Shit, he was badly hurt, even worse, he was still hurt from the previous attack! Greg smiled at him and it certainly wasn't friendly, 'it looks like you're on your last legs buddy, I might as well help you on your way', Deacon screamed when Greg pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed through the warehouse.

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