Chapter 38

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Deacon moved swiftly, pumping her legs as much as she could, all the doors she checked were locked, fucking great, of all the doors that had to be unlocked, it had to be the one they entered through? She jumped over a few metal works only to roll her ankle, her knees then giving away and she fell forward onto her stomach. She lay still, trying to steady her breathing. Deacon already knew she was making a lot of noises, but she couldn't hear anything from him, which scared her the most, she knew she hadn't of hit him with the planks, it only took his attention away from her for only a few moments, those seconds were crucial.


She almost stopped breathing when she heard his voice, 'come on out, I'm not going to hurt you, just come out okay, all the doors are locked, you can't get out', oh fuck you, you wanker. She slowly rose onto her knees, attempting to crawl away from where she heard his voice. The more garbage she saw, the more she was certain she was reaching the back of the warehouse, there was more places to hide, but of course she couldn't hide forever. Suddenly, her knee knocked one of the rusty shelving and pieces of metal tumbled down on her. She yelped in pain, trying her best to wriggle out, but the pieces were too big.
Suddenly, a foot came down on her back, holding her down, 'don't move', she heard Greg say as he began pulling the rubbish off of her, 'get up and don't think about running'. She felt the knife in her side once again. He led her to the middle of the warehouse to where the chains hang from the ceiling, 'kneel down on the mattress', he said softly, when she did, he grabbed her wrists and chained them. She heard a clicking sound and the chains began to pull, fucking hell! This guys made it so he can make you hang from the fucking ceiling! She tried to keep it together, he wasn't going to hang her that's for sure, he just made it so that she wasn't able to use her hands at all.


'Fuck you'.

She seethed at him and he laughed, 'I understand that you're upset -'. She snarled at him, 'why the fuck did you do it!? You do all those things to me years ago, you attacked me! You've killed these -'.

'You will never understand!'

'You're right and you know why?! Because you're so fucked up in your brain! That's probably why mother -'.

He struck her across the face, 'don't you dare mention her to me again!' She spat out a little blood, 'how the fuck were you able to keep so well hidden? Who the hell was shooting at us before? They shot you!' He rolled his eyes, 'ah yes... I got a kid to help me out, he was young, which meant he wouldn't be smart enough to go cold turkey on me... Though...'. She smirked, 'he wasn't meant to shoot you'. He looked away from her, 'it's a shame really, a little more to the left and it would've been all over'. She almost regretted her words when he glared at her, 'I suggest you watch what you say Dee, you're not really in the best position to be messing around with me, don't you think?' He's right you know...
She sucked in some air when he gently touched her face, 'look at me, show me your eyes', oh dear god.

'So beautiful, you know I made sure I got to see those girls eyes before I killed them?'

Deacon tried to tear her eyes away, but he grabbed her by the chin to stop her, 'they were beautiful, but of course they were just practice rounds'.

'What happened Greg? You were well hidden now, but you obviously stuffed up'.

He growled in anger, 'that one girl in the parking lot, McCaw or something, I wasn't concentrating and I dropped that stupid bullet from my key chain'.

'Let me guess, you hurt your hands during the struggle?'

He smiled at her, 'you're catching on quickly sweet heart, I like that', he stroked her face and then let his hand trail down her neck, just stopping at her collar bone.

'Then there was Nancy, she was a little harder to deal with at the start and it didn't help when her little bitch of a dog attacked me, when I went through the window to escape -'.

'Your leather jacket got caught... I was back at the house to grab some stuff and I found your jacket, it had shards of glass in the pockets. Agent Robertson -'.

'You don't need to pretend, you can call him Baloc, I know you too are more than acquaintances'.

her stomach almost turned, 'he... Had both the accessory from your key chain and the piece of leather'.

'He obviously put two and two together, but I doubt he did it alone'.

He traced her collar bone and then began to unbutton her blouse, that's when she started to struggle. She brought her legs out to kick at him, but she was in a difficult position. Before she knew it, he held the knife against her throat, 'I guess unbuttoning it will be to hard', He hooked the knife under the buttons and sliced the blouse open. Deacon screamed when he touched her, she didn't want this, she didn't want to be here. She wanted to be home, to forget everything. She wished he was never born.
Even though he wasn't her complete family, her mother marrying into the Delfino's family line, he was still connected to her and it made her sick.
How's that? Having your half brother molesting you?


Baloc tapped his finger against the dashboard, his anxiety was sky rocketing, he didn't have his fucking phone, it was still in his car, Deacon was in the car and so was Greg.

'We've got Intel of a tracking signal, it's coming from your phone'.


'Fall in pursuit then goddamn it, no one else has it!'

'Actually there's someone else following the signal'.

Baloc looked at the cop next to him, a frowned etched on his brow, even the officer looked confused, 'who the hell is following it then?'

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