Chapter 3

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'Find my little nightingale and bring her to me?'

Fernald frowned as he read the little sentence, 'sounds strange, but... Yeah, I don't know, looks like we've got a small clue'. Robertson sighed as he examined the words, it wasn't  like anyone would figure anything out with this little clue, who the hell was Nightingale? He rubbed his eyes, 'I don't know, but we've got the files in, the victims name is Santara Milano -', he had to pause for a second, 'sixteen years old'. He saw Fernald close his eyes and grimace, so young, she wasn't reported missing or anything, which is interesting', Robertson was rather concerned about her treatment in the past, 'well, we know she has family out there, it's more so, why they hadn't reported her missing', Fernald said as he looked over the photos, Robertson could still see how his partner was trying to hold everything together, he was still so young and inexperienced. Robertson experienced these things too much, he was practically numb to it all, which was the good thing, 'Stacey said that the body is on the autopsy table, I'm going to head down and examine it' Baloc mumbled.
When he arrived at the room, Stacey was hunched over the body, now he could see her, Santara Milano, he examined her, she wasn't a small woman, around six feet tall and she was beautiful. He hadn't realized he was showing such a pained expression until Stacey looked up, 'yes, she's very beautiful and so young, I'd say she had a whole life a head of her'. 

'I'd say so myself'. 

He came closer to see her facial features, she was cleaner, no more blood, her body was pale, her system was no more. Like every body he saw on this table, they looked like they were sleeping, it was... Peaceful. 

'Cause of death?'

Stacey sighed, pointing to the victims neck, 'I figured it out already on scene, but I wanted to make sure, but it was by strangulation', Baloc frowned, 'the killer had already beaten her up, also sliced her skin, why'd he strangle her?' Stacey shrugged, 'dunno'.

'Most likely had some sick fantasy or got off from it, I've come across killers who've done that'.

Baloc tried to stop the memories of confessions flooding through his mind, 'most likely... But yeah, gonna have to dig a little deeper of course'. Baloc nodded, 'Storm's gonna start contacting the family members, I'll be joining him'.

'Oh fun, I wonder what their reactions are going to be?'

'I'm honestly not looking forward to it, something tells me they don't really care about her'.

Stacey gave him a pained look, 'I had the same feeling as well'.

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