Chapter 18

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Deacon hadn't been back to the studio for a few days, it was time that she did, other than her being away for too long, her colleagues missed her. When she pushed opened the door to the studio, she was instantly engulfed in arms, 'Dee! We heard you were on the news, it's crazy about that body!' Micheal was a tall lanky guy, his dark brown eyes were protected by round glasses, one wouldn't even think that he'd be an assistant, a perfect person in disguise and he didn't even have to try.

'It's definitely not the best thing to wake up to'.

Rose rolled her eyes, 'anyway, we gotta get some of the paperwork sorted, I wasn't able to access your computer because of your password', Deacon sighed, 'you know you could've just asked me'.

'At this time, I don't think so, you needed me more than I needed your password'.

'Where's Sarah?'

Micheal yawned, 'she called in sick, it's just Rose and I, Nathan couldn't make it today as well', Rose nodded towards the office, 'come, we need to log into the system, those papers aren't going to get sent themselves'. Deacon couldn't help but chuckle, she doesn't even work here and she thinks she's the boss.
The smile was wiped off her face when she checked her emails, more photos, 'what the hell?" Rose's grip tightened on Deacon's shoulder, 'you need to tell the police, you need to report that you've got more pictures sent to you'. Deacon hadn't said anything, her eyes flickering through the pictures. It was during the time when the body was found.


Sending through those photos would have certainly put Deacon on edge, good, he wanted her to be on edge, but he had to be careful, the FBI were with her now, there was one particular Agent that he knew would get in the way, he knew how she worked.


Deacon had met Agent Robertson and his boss the moment she barged into the office, Baloc sat up from his chair, 'Miss Georgina -'.

'I need your help'.

She interrupted him, her eyes set on Margot, who raised her eyebrows, 'Miss Georgina, how can I help you?'

'I have more photos sent to me'.

Margot looked over at Baloc, who took a hold of the situation, 'can I see them?' Luckily she had kept them on her phone, 'some photos from outside my workplace and also near my home'. Baloc examined the photos closely, someone knew her far too well, they knew her local shops and many other places.

'We can keep tabs on this -'.

'Have there been any more dead bodies?'

She caught him off guard, he almost told her everything, so he tried to focus on the photos, 'all we have to do is keep tabs on all the photos, we can try and track through to the sender, but I'd assume they would be using a fake ID -'.

'It would waste our time'.

Both turned to see Storm, a look of annoyance plastered over his face, 'we're trying to sort out who murdered these girls, not track down a paparazzi'. Baloc opened his mouth the reply but Deacon had stepped in, 'excuse me! I could be in danger, don't forget that I was the first to come across that girl in the box, before you all?' Storm shook his head, 'yes, I'm aware of that, but we're focused -'.

'That's enough!'

Both of them froze, Baloc had raised himself to his full height, towering over Deacon and a little over Storm, 'that's enough, I don't have time for this, we've got four dead girls and one killer on the loose, I don't have time to keep everyone in line!' Baloc froze seconds after, 'just... I'll look into the photos Miss Georgina, just... Give me a bit, please', she nodded, 'I'm sorry for barging in, I should probably go'.

'I'll escort you out, I do want to talk to you'.

Baloc looked back at Storm, who took that moment to head back to his desk, he was going to be in trouble the moment Baloc returned.
Both Deacon and Baloc moved slowly through the hall, they were silent for a few moments until he pressed the elevator button going down, 'you were very brave to have gotten away from the stranger', he said, breaking the silence. The elevator beeped and the doors opened, allowing them to step inside, 'I guess so, I just kick myself because I was never able to identify them and I've been rather paranoid every since', I wouldn't blame her, 'you've made it this far', but how far can she go? He sighed, his mind went straight to the key chain with the bullet, maybe? He quickly shook the thought out of his mind. he couldn't share this information just yet, 'do you have kids?' He was brought back into the elevator, he had forgotten she was there, 'oh, yes, just one'.

'What's her name?'


He saw her smile in the corner of his eye, it was a beautiful smile, 'I don't have kids, I haven't been in a relationship at all, where were they going with his? He tapped his foot on the ground a couple of time, willing the elevator to go faster.

'I can just imagine the families after hearing their daughters were gone'.

Baloc remembered the first family, how they didn't react the way he'd hope, they treated her like trash, like her death didn't affect them, but he could tell it affected the mother, even though she put on a brave face, 'they would be so devastated'.

'Most families are'.

She looks at him, a frown creased her forehead, 'what do you mean most families?' He turned to her a little, the elevator was taking a little longer than usual, 'some families wouldn't bat an eyelash if one of their family members passed on', she was shocked, 'that's terrible!' He shrugged, 'it's just how this world is'. You hate this world don't you?

'Yes I do', he whispered.

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