Chapter 26

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Finlay raised her eyebrows, 'that's big news, an actual victim survived, I'd say we'd have to keep an eye on her, the intruder might return'. Baloc nodded, the girls eyes were still fresh in his mind... Or was it the girls? He couldn't tell, she was blonde wasn't she? No... The girl in his mind wasn't the young woman he just spoke to no... Deacon.
He blinked a couple of times, trying to bring himself out of lazy town, 'we need to keep moving with this case, it seems like it's getting bigger'. But it sounds like this guy is injured a little, no one could get way uninjured from a Pitbull that big. Then something clicked in his mind, maybe.

When he went back down to the autopsy room, he found that Stacey had returned, she looked better than she did before, more chirpier, 'good to see you back Stacey', he smiled, 'thank you, I'm glad to be back that's for sure'.

'You guys received a leather sample from this recent break in, I spoke to the woman who owns the place and get this... She also has Heterochromia'.

Both Rushforth and Stacey dropped their things, 'are you kidding me? It's him? he's the intruder, oh my god, she was so close to -'. Stacey stopped herself before she could go any further, 'my god, is she okay?' Baloc nodded, 'her dog saved her, Poppy the Pitbull', he couldn't help but chuckle, 'but we've sent a couple of cops to keep an eye on the property, there's no doubt he'll return in a few days time, that's if he's not injured though, I highly doubt he'd leave that place without a scratch'.
Rushforth shook his head, 'we don't seem to get any good clues, 'the first one may not even belong to the killer and the second one is most likely from him... But, it's just a piece of leather'.

Baloc grabbed the accessory, 'the only thing we've just found were these three letters, G.A.D'. Stacey chuckled, 'yeah, like that's helpful, though it almost sounds like initials', Rushforth nodded, 'that's what Baloc and I think'.

'The next thing we can do is search this accessory up'.

Stacey booted the computer to life, 'let me have a look at it', she pulled the little silver tray towards her, examining the item before putting it in computer, 'so, this is an accessory for a key chain, the name of it is basically called The Bullet, nothing else exciting about it'.

'Is it only online?'

She shook her head, 'it's online and in store as well', she flicked through the rest of the pages, Baloc looked over her shoulder, 'I'll have to go through and talk to the owners, see if I can go through the lists of transactions and the customers, it might take a while, but I think we may be on the right track, I'll have to look into this tomorrow though, we've made some progress that's for sure'. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, he wouldn't usually let his guard down and allow his colleagues to see him like this, but he was too tired to even care, 'go home, you need the rest I can tell', Stacey chuckled as she nudged him away, you're on the right track Baloc. He couldn't help but smile to himself.


Deacon held her breath when she saw him emerge from the building, he looked tired, maybe you should go home, he looks too tired to talk to anyone. It seemed to be the right thing to do, she could talk to Agent Robertson later, maybe during the week. She was too far into her thoughts that she hadn't realized that he'd noticed her, she didn't hear him call her name a couple of times before he was finally in front of her and she quickly shook herself back to reality.

'Oh my god, sorry, I was in a trance!'

He smirked at her, Jesus that smirk, 'I could tell, I called your name a couple of times', they stood in the middle of the car park, she was going to talk to him, but what were you going to talk about? Nothing, there wasn't a reason to talk to him, he'd already received the photos, there wasn't much he could do.

'Miss Georgina?'


He raised his eyebrows at her, 'call me Deacon', she wasn't sure if she crossed some sort of  invisible line, but she relaxed when he smiled, 'Deacon, that's an interesting name', the way his said her name set some sort of fire alight. Her heart was racing, 'it's Baloc', she frowned at him, shit, stop daydreaming! He chuckled, 'my name, it's Baloc'.

'You're saying my name is interesting, yours I would never have thought of, it sounds very interesting'.

'Well, I never liked my name when I was younger, my name was rather uncommon you see, so whenever any of the kids in my year would end up getting those cool cups with their names on it, I'd always be left out'.

'Same here!'

The conversation was really about nothing, it looked like nothing, but it was something to Deacon and she hoped for him to, though that day still bugged her and he could sense something was wrong, 'what's wrong?' he leaned forward a little so he could look into her eyes, 'I'm sorry' was all she said before she lunged forward, her lips touched his. Baloc staggered back in shock and he pulled away quickly, his eyes were wide. Oh my god! Run, get out of here, you weren't meant to do that! You were meant to just apologize for that day! When his partner got shot!' Before she knew it, she turned and sprinted off, ignoring his calls, this was a bad idea from the very start.

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