Chapter 31

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Baloc tried not to gag, he'd seen worse, but he still couldn't help it. The young man was almost unrecognizable and even worse, the weapon that was used on him was a goddamn camera. 'Any camera footage?' Was the first thing Baloc had asked for whilst he examined the whole layout of the studio, this was hers, this belonged to Deacon Georgina and he could tell her hard work had payed off, only to have it taken from her along with one of her assistants.
Two officers had notified him of the recordings, he watched as they hit the play button. He could see everything, the young man, who was called Michael, up on the platform. It at least 15 minutes until another figure was spotted entering through the front, just past Michael's car. The man was masked, fucking hell. He watched as the intruder watched Michael on the platform, waiting for him, asshole and then he watched it all unravel. Seeing the man take Michael down, using only the camera strap to bring him to his knees until he was practically unconscious. It took so much strength to keep watching as the intruder examined the camera before bringing it down on the young mans head multiple times before placing the strap around his own neck, he'd pulled something out of his pocket, a notepad? Shit, he's writing another note!
Right at that moment, Baloc heard his name, he stepped back out into the studio, one of the examiners was holding a piece of paper in their gloved hand, just like Stacey did when Santara Milano's body was found, but this time Baloc had some gloves, which he put on before grabbing paper.

One more girl and then I will be after her! Agent Robertson.

He hadn't realized it until one of the officers had approached him, a look over concern etched his face, he was shaking, 'this killer was onto Deacon, but his mind was trying to figure out who the woman before Deacon was... Nancy! She was the one who supposedly survived the break in!


He rushed outside, his eyes landed on a man who was kneeling in front of her, 'Miss Georgina?' Both the man and Deacon looked up, 'oh, this is my brother Greg. Greg, this is Agent Robertson'. Greg nodded, distress clearly in his eyes, 'I came as soon as she called', he mumbled, Baloc tried felt more at ease, someone's getting jealous, he shook the thought from his mind, 'it's a good thing you came, she needs someone right now'. Greg rubbed her shoulder, 'will she be treated for -'. Suddenly something skimmed his forehead and embedded itself int the wall near them. Shit, a bullet! Baloc yelled out, alerting the officers, 'he's still out there, get to cover!' He pulled Greg and Deacon away from the steps and threw them behind his car. Greg hissed in pain, his hand pressed against the wound, 'let me see', Baloc said he he gently moved his hand, which was now covered in blood, 'just a flesh wound, but still deep enough that you'll need stitches', he said as he pulled the gun from his holster. Another gunshot sent the rest of the officers rushing for cover.

'What the hell does he want from me!?'

Deacon yelled, she'd had enough, too many people were dying. She attempted to get up, but a hand grasped her wrist, it was Greg's, 'don't go out there, or he'll kill you!' Deacon shook her head as she tried to fight him, 'maybe that's what he wants!'


Both Baloc and Greg screamed in unison, their eyes met for a few moments before Baloc peered around the car, he couldn't see the shooter, just like before, 'we gotta get you out of here, someplace safe'. There were more gunshots but only from the officers, whoever was out there had gone, again, just like last time.

'I'm about to lose my shit with this killer'.

Baloc seethed, Greg chuckled, but winced in pain, 'I can tell', Deacon pressed her hand against his, 'we seriously need to get you stitched up, that's for sure'.

'We need a wait a little, let the officers clear the area, otherwise we're walking targets'.

Deacon rubbed her temples, 'all this is giving me a headache, where will I go, they obviously know where I live!' Baloc slowly put away his gun, 'there's a place I can take you, it should be alright until we get this guy'.

'Wait! Did you look at the CCTV?'

He nodded, 'yes I did and I saw everything except for the attacker's face, but I know it was a man, the masked attacker, his face was covered'. Deacon started to cry, 'why is he here? Why won't he stop, I can't keep doing this!' Greg tried to calm her down but it was a little hard whilst blood gushed out of his wound, 'I'll look after you okay, I'll be with you for as long as you want me, I just don't want to see you get hurt', he hugged her tightly.
Baloc turned away from them, he's her brother, you shouldn't be so jealous! He's not going to do anything! He sighed and grabbed his phone, 'we've got the all clear, but still keep low, I don't want to risk it just yet'. He unlocked the car, allowing both Greg and Deacon inside, 'I need to call my boss first, I need to tell her what's going on, then we can sort out accommodation for you', he said as he dialed through his phone, a couple of beeps and then he heard Finlay's voice on the other end of the line, 'we've got a problem'.

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