Chapter 15

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It hit midnight when he finally turned on the tv and the news flickered across the screen. The face of a young woman was brought up, the young woman who he killed in a fit of anger. Shit, he wasn't meant to do that, he needed to find the right girl and he can't wait anymore than he did last time, he wanted the pleasure, he could grab Deacon if he wanted to, he was that close. But he wanted to be ready, he wanted to make sure she wouldn't be able to get away. He got lucky that she never saw him properly, he was a mystery to her, so he knew had another chance.


When Deacon had returned home, her heart had stopped racing but her chest was hurting now from the result. She was afraid and completely lost. Those three girls all connected because if their eyes? She shook her head, also noting the Agent that interviewed her, the way he touched her trembling hands, at that moment, she instinctively looked down at hers hands, she could still feel him, his skin was smooth and she imagined his thumb caressing her knuckles again to calm her down, well it kinda worked, but it set a new fire inside of her. He'd kept himself together in that moment and she was able to get a closer look at him... He was a handsome man, even if he was older than her, but she knew his move was a little over the line and she may have missed something. She shook her head, maybe it was all in your head, you need to have a rest.


Baloc cursed under his breath after the interview, he shouldn't have overstepped his boundaries, but it came out of nowhere, grasping her hands. He did it to Stacey, but he never had that feeling with her like he had with Georgina, the more he looked at her, the more he felt out of control and he was losing control. It frustrated him because it happened so quickly, he looked back on the first time he saw her, of course he had to admit to himself that, yes, she was an attractive young woman... Young woman, there's no way in hell that she's going to be yours, first of all, she's a suspect in this case and secondly, she's too young! His pace slowed down, feeling slightly depressed.

'I saw what happened in there, are you ok?'

He spun around to see Storm approaching him, but he didn't yell, he had kept his voice rather low, Baloc nodded, 'I was off guard at that moment, I don't know what got to me -' Storm chuckled, 'don't worry boss, it's completely fine, I wouldn't blame you, she's quite a beautiful woman'. He trusted Storm but hearing those words leave his partners mouth annoyed him, a little something twinged inside of him, but he couldn't figure out what it was just yet.

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