Chapter 42

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1 Year Later

Baloc sipped his coffee and looked over the ocean, the sun had just risen and he'd awoken before everyone else. For that moment, he closed his eyes and allowed the breeze to hit him.

'Enjoying the view?'

He turned a little to see Deacon standing at the glass sliding doors. She was beautiful, her dark hair seemed to glow and her eyes sparkled, as always, 'of course, but it'll be better if you're in my arms right now', he stuck out his hand and when she curled her fingers around his own, he pulled her into an embrace and let her sip some of his coffee.

'Rosemary's already up and talking to her friend, I could hear her in her room'.

'I've tried to get her to stop doing that, she never goes to bed at a reasonable time'.

'I can tell it never worked'.

He nudged her gently and kissed her gently on the forehead, 'as long as she safe and out of harms way, then I'm not too worried'.
Deacon gently traced her fingers across the scar near his neck, the memory of that day, he risked everything for you, he loves you. She had noticed him staring at her until he leaned down and kissed her, 'try not to think about it'.

'I'll try not to'.

The sun had risen higher and the sunlight flooded the rooms, Rosemary had finally crawled out of her room and was grabbing some cereal, 'you guys are so cheesy', she mumbled whilst she grabbed the milk. Both Baloc and Deacon joined her at the table, 'did Rose call yet?' Deacon asked but Rosemary shook her head, 'no, not yet, I doubt she's woken up as early as you'. True.

Deacon had attended Michael funeral and the next couple of weeks at the studio were very hard. But luckily Deacon had Rose by her side who kept everything in line, she too was having a tough time, but she knew that someone needed help. Deacon hadn't been at work for a couple of days now, most of her time was spent with Baloc and his family.
But she was safe, all of them were safe, Greg was gone and a part of her missed him, she missed the real Greg, the one who would hug her and tell her everything will be fine, the one who held her for the first time when she was small. The one who was also there for her before she met Rose.
Now he was no more and she felt a sense of relief and not only for herself, but for Greg, being her half brother, he had gone through some tough times, he didn't feel like a son, just because she was a Georgina by blood.
Stop thinking about him, he's gone.
She cuddled into Baloc's side and closed her eyes, everything is going to be fine.

The End

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