Chapter 5

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Deacon lay stretched out across the sofa, staring up at the ceiling, she was tired, Rose was right, she should've stayed in bed, but she couldn't. The television was on, but she wasn't paying attention to it, the news always showed negativity and she really didn't want to pay attention to it all, not today at least.
The kettle had stopped boiling and she contemplated about getting up and making herself a drink, she was too tired, but she hadn't drank anything since getting out of bed. Getting up, she examined the photos on the wall as she made her way to the kitchen and pouring herself a cup of tea. The house was quiet, Rose was also right about her needing someone, but it wasn't because she needed to be looked after, it's more so, she needed someone to love, Deacon chuckled, the sound echoed through the room, it was too quiet.
She remembered about the man who showed some affection to her a couple of years back, but being her, the usual as Rose would point out, she pushed him away because she was afraid. She wondered what the man was up to, was he married? Did he get the job he was hoping for? She didn't know and there was no point chasing after him, it was years ago. The computer was still on and she decided to go through some dating sites, it'll get her mind off things, she looked up a few, but creating an account was too long, she was bored straight away. Leaning back against her chair, she sipped her tea, the heat from the liquid burning her tongue a little, but that was how she liked it. She jumped a little when her phone rang, it was her brother, Greg. Though, he was her half brother, Greg Delfino.

'Hey Dee, how're you? I called the studio but Sarah told me you left'.

'Oh yeah, sorry, I was a little tired'.

Though the truth was there was someone keeping an eye on her, of course she hadn't left Sarah alone, the two other photographers had arrived which allowed her to run off and have some alone time.

'Is something wrong?

That was the thing, Greg was really good at sensing if something was wrong , but she had to try and fake it, 'nothing, just Rose talking to me about dating and all', he burst out laughing, 'are you serious? That's unbelievable!' She rolled her eyes, 'I mean... The idea's not that bad, but I dunno where to start'.

'Well, don't go straight into it, just wait a little'.

She hadn't seen Greg for a while, but she hoped to see him soon, she missed him. He'd been awfully quiet for some time and she too was pretty good at picking up on stress, 'Greg, you've got something to tell me don't you?' There was silence for a couple of moments before he spoke, 'mum's passed away', the words hit her hard, 'what!? When?'

'This morning'.

'Oh my god, I wasn't there!'

Greg tried to sooth her, 'you wouldn't have known she was going to pass away, don't be so hard on yourself Dee', he was right, but it still hurt like a bitch, 'I'm coming over!' But he disagreed, 'you should calm down first, I don't think it's a good idea'.

'Why? I need to see her!' But she knew that he was right, he was always right, 'alright', she took a few breaths and closed her eyes, 'don't panic, just breathe, I'll let you know when everything is alright'.
Even though wasn't in her life all the time, he still loved her and took care of her, her mother had divorced after having her and then remarried a few years later, which resulted in Greg being born and even though she was older, he always looked out for her, that's was sibling do after all. The called ended and she threw herself onto the sofa, tears cascaded down her cheeks, she couldn't believe it, Beatrice was gone, her own mother had slipped from her hands. She wasn't going to have a peaceful night tonight.

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