Chapter 11

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When Deacon came to, she found herself on the sofa, a blanket covered her, her fingers brushed against the fabric, this wasn't hers... Then the memory of early this morning flooded through and she curled up into a ball, she was afraid and she didn't know what to do. She'd called Rose, and waited until she heard Rose's groggy voice on the other end of the line.
'Rose, can you come over real quick, I need you here, I need to talk to you!'
'Dee, what's wrong, are you ok?'
She could hear the urgency in her friends voice as much as her friend heard the urgency in hers, 'please, I need you here!'
'Alright, I won't be long, just sit tight for me'
The line went dead and she was along again. The house was silent and the hairs on the back of her neck began to rise and she pulled the blanket around her body tightly, she was afraid and she didn't like it.

'I wouldn't like it too'.

She spun around to see a dark figure standing near the hallway, she couldn't see their face and their voice was distorted, no, it can't be them, it can't be! The figure slowly approached her, in which she slowly pushed herself off the sofa, her eyes never leaving the moving being before her, 'who are you? Why're you here!?'

'Why do you think I'm here?'

She took a couple of steps back, looking around for a split second to see if there was anything she could grab a hold of to defend herself, 'there's no use in fighting now, you're trapped, you can't get away, so give yourself to me!' The figure lunged towards Deacon and she instinctively lifted her hands up to take the impact.


Deacon sprung up from the sofa, her palms pressed to her chest as she curled up, it was just a nightmare, don't think too much into it, it's just a nightmare. She checked her phone, she'd called Rose, that was real. There was a knock on the door and when she opened it, she was engulfed in a big hug by Rose. 

'What the hell happened? Are you okay?'

She examined Deacon up and down, trying to see if she was hurt, but Deacon shook her head, 'I'm alright, just...' She didn't know what to say, but Rose didn't need to told, 'come on, come sit down, I'll make us some hot drinks'. 

'I had a nightmare about them'.

Rose had grabbed the kettle and began to fill it up, 'really? I wouldn't blame you, after everything that just happened', she set the cups down, 'I can't believe this is happening though'. What pained Deacon was the fact that young women were dying, 'I spoke to the FBI Agent, his name is Robertson or something like that, he was not a fan of mine that's for sure'.

'I'm taking it you had to tell him about your past?'

'Yes, but I didn't tell him everything and I think he could pick that up'.

Rose cocked an eyebrow at her, 'and yet he didn't push further, wow, what a gentleman', Deacon shook her head, 'he'll leave it for now, but I'm on top of the list in this case, he'll be back and he'll expect to have everything', Agent Robertson, she remembered him clearly, tall, could pass as handsome, his beard was well kept, the last time she saw him he wore a coat which emphasized his build completely. It took her a few moments before she realized that Rose had set the drinks down on the little table, a smile broke across her face, 'I can totally see that you're lusting over this Robertson', Deacon drew back, 'what the - no! I'm not lusting over him!' But maybe Rose was right? After all, her face was growing hot. She sighed and took a sip of her tea, 'I don't know what I'm going to do'.

'You could stay with me'.

Deacon shook her head, 'no, I think I should be fine', but Rose scoffed, 'hey, this person sent you a dead body, early this morning, right at your front door', she raised he eyebrows, 'he knows where you live and you're telling me you think you'll be fine? Are you stupid?'

Oh yeah... Fair point.

'What would I do without you Rose?'

She rolled her eyes, 'you'd be dead Dee, dead as a door nail'. 

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