Chapter 25

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Baloc hadn't moved after he stepped into the reception, the hospital was cold and dreary. Storm was no longer in surgery, he was alright, but still needed to rest. His feet felt heavy as he slowly began to walk through the hall after asking the receptionists of his partners whereabouts.

When he entered the room, he found Storm sitting up in bed, his eyes were glued to the screen. The news was blaring across the screen, 'hey buddy', Baloc whispered, but he still managed to startle him. Storm laughed, only to wince in pain seconds later, 'don't strain yourself kiddo' Baloc shook his head, 'how're you feeling?'

'Like shit, but it can't get any better than that I guess'.

Baloc smirked, moving over near the window, he felt the sun hit his skin, the room was well lit and quite spacious.

'I panicked'.

Baloc turned to Storm, who didn't look him in the eye, 'I shouldn't have rushed out like that, I panicked when I heard the gunshots and I saw you and Miss Georgina go downstairs I just...'. He leaned back into the pillow, 'panicked', Baloc finished his sentence and when Storm finally looked at him, he was not greeted with a stringent glare, all he saw was empathy.

'Is Miss Georgina alright?'

Baloc nodded, 'yes, she's fine, it was only you that go shot', Storm winced in pain, 'damn, well ain't I lucky? Was there any progression with the case?' Baloc grabbed one of the chairs from the corners, 'you know, we don't have to talk about the case -'.

'Come on Bee, I want to know'.

'Fine, I'll tell you and don't call me Bee, so there was that little trinket that was found, Rushforth and we think it may belong to the killer, we even found three letters on it and both of us think it's initials'.

'Wow, you've guys seem to be doing fine without me', Storm tried to laugh, but quickly thought otherwise, 'god I hate this... Getting shot', Baloc cocked an eyebrow at him, 'I don't think there will ever be a day where someone would enjoy getting shot Storm'.

'You know what I mean'.

Baloc smiled, 'of course I do, I know you like the back of my hand' and it was true, he did. 
It had been around an hour when his phone began to buzz, 'Robertson', he answered, it was Finlay, 'we had a call, a break in, I need you to take it'. Baloc raked his fingers through his hair after the call ended, 'another case?' He nodded, 'there was a break in and apparently the owner was actually inside'.

'Sounds like a plan backfired'.

Baloc sighed, 'hey', he looked up at Storm who smiled and nodded towards the door, 'you can go, it's ok, we got to see each other and we're both okay'. Baloc was still hesitant before he got up and made his way to the door, 'we'll catch this guy sooner or later boss', he heard Storm call after him, Baloc couldn't help but smile.

We will.


When Baloc arrived, he saw a couple of cop cars surrounding the house. A young woman was sitting at the front with her dog. Baloc moved across the front yard to meet her, 'FBI Agent Robertson -'.

'Oh, you're here to ask me more questions?'

She stood up to her full height, causing Baloc to take a step back, she's nearly your height buddy, she started to explain to him, 'he came out of nowhere, he was standing in the kitchen and I had my back to him, if it wasn't for Poppy, I would've been dead!' He looked down at the brown Pitbull by her side, she actually looked cute, 'apart from the intruder, did you have anyone else in the house?' She shook her head and that's when he noticed. The moment she looked into his eyes, they were colorful, 'you have Heterochromia?' He suddenly asked, instantly kicking himself, focus on the damn case here! But before he could apologize she chuckled, 'oh, you know about that?' She nodded 'yes I do, it's not everyday I come across someone who knows about it'.

'It's not everyday I come across people who have it'.

She smiled at him and for a few moments, it felt as if he wasn't here investigating a break in. He was brought out of his stupor when one of the cops car door slammed, 'alright, so where did you say he entered?'

'Through the bedroom, I thought I locked it, but no, he opened it up easily, but he jumped out this window here'.

She nodded to her left, seeing the broken remains of what use to be a window, his eyes caught on something snagged in the corner. It was leather, 'what did the intruder wear?' She scratched her head, 'I think he wore dark leather jacket of some sort', bingo. He gloved his hands and bagged the evidence, he was going to be extra careful, he'd crossed another potential victim and she was right, if it weren't for Poppy, this young lady would've been thrown out onto the side of the road or delivered to someones door all bruised and battered and very much dead.

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