Chapter 1

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It was 12:00 pm when her body was found, she was naked and alone, cuts and bruises littered her body, her eyes stared effortlessly up at the sky, if not for being beaten to a pulp with skin torn and naked she would've passed as relaxing. But no, that's not what he was seeing.

'Who was it that found the young woman?'

FBI Agent Baloc Robertson looked over at his partner, Agent Storm Fernald, who nodded towards a young man, a backpacker, the man was sitting in one of the cop cars, he looked worn out, his backpack was leaning against one of the vehicles, he was certainly not going to have a good night, that's for sure

'I've already spoken to him'.

Storm yawned, Fernald, Baloc's partner in crime for almost six years, he was about the same height as Baloc, his face was clean shaven, as for Baloc's, whose face sported a goatee. Though Storm himself bragged that he was the good looking one out of the pair. Baloc's eyes rested on the dead girl once again, who the hell in their right mind would do this? That was a question that would constantly pop up in his mind whenever a dead body would show up, 'shit', he turned to see a young woman approaching, all dressed in a medical suit, 'well... I should be able to find the cause of death I guess', Stacey Reynolds stopped in her tracks next to Baloc. He could tell she was assessing the body, even though she was a forensic pathologist, she still needed a chance to breathe before diving in, 'sorry', she quickly said when she noticed Baloc watching her, 'it's alright, take your time', a beat later, 'and I'm being serious, take your time'. That was the one thing that most of the workers like about Robertson, he was calm and collective and he was able to keep things professional. 

'The specialists will be coming in a bit'.

She added as she set her things down and began her examination, 'I'll let her do her thing' Fernald said before he started to yawn again, 'what were you up to last night?' Robertson chuckled, 'you're never usually this tired'. Fernald sighed, 'my sister broke up with her partner last night, she was over at mine for dinner and of course he was there, but that was minutes before they were at each others throats'. They usually don't speak about personal things, but Fernald and Robertson had been friends for a while and when they had some time on their hands they'd have meaningful talks, 'so... What caused it?'

'Oh... Something about chivalry'.

'Ah, ok I think I know where this is going'.

Fernald closed his eyes in frustration, 'I never liked the guy, the moment he started to complain about her... I kinda knew something like this was to happen'.

'I know, but she's your sister and you want the best for her'.

Fernald looked a him, his eyes filled with dull pain, 'I was up all night trying to talk some sense into her, she was still devastated. I mean, I guess I understand, but come on!' Robertson couldn't help but smile at his partner, Storm was young and had never been in a relationship before, but Baloc had, in fact he was married at one point before childbirth killed his wife, he had a daughter, now at the age of 12, the more she grew, the more she looked like her mother, but she had his eyes, a light beautiful blue, Rosemary Robertson, 'well, I hope she gets through it, I really hope she does, I've never met the bloke, seeing as I've known you six years'.

'Oh, you'd be glad you haven't met him, he's not worth your time and effort'.

Fair enough, 'well, I'm glad I was never asked over for dinner when he was around', he chuckled a little before setting his eyes on the backpacker, he was now wrapped in a blanket, looking quite perturbed, 'poor guy, definitely didn't want to see that on his trip that's for sure'. Robertson couldn't help but tremble, he tried to imagine being the backpacker and coming across the body, it would definitely be a jolt to the brain.


They looked over to Stacey who had turned a little towards them to get their attention, more police officers had arrived, another forensic appeared near Stacey, Rushforth Tan, Stacey's partner had joined them. She was holding something in her gloved hand, a piece of paper? Robertson put his hands up to indicate that he bore no gloves, so she had to handle the paper.

Find my little nightingale and bring her to me

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