Chapter 40

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Baloc skidded to a halt outside the rusty warehouse and he pressed his hand up against the warm metal. He could hear an officer next to time putting through the report of a gunshot, Deacon! His blood ran cold as he brought out his gun and took a few deep breaths before pushing against the door on his left. There was an unknown person tracking Baloc's car and they'd gotten here first, so were they just shooting? He sneaked inside, motioning for the other cops to keep it down. The inside was dusty and open spaced, but Baloc had to be careful not to cough. He froze when he heard a voice.

'You may have missed that one, but it's either me, or that wound you sustained from earlier'.

Baloc moved quickly and quietly around the rusted barrels, he had to get a clear view in order to shoot. When he was able to, his stomach dropped. Deacon was chained and kneeling, but she wasn't dead. Greg a few metres in front, slightly hunched over obviously in pain. Who the hell was he talking to? Baloc decided to investigate the stranger because it sounded like they were hurt. He crawled around, trying to avoid the rubbish, this place is shit, he try to avoid breathing in the dust and just managed to push himself into another hiding spot when he saw the other person... What the fuck?
Storm was staring straight at him, his face was pale and his shirt was drenched in blood, Baloc went to say something, but Storm put his finger up to his mouth. So he was the one tracking Baloc's car! Storm pointed a little over his head towards Greg.
Both of them flinched when another bullet came their way, they could wait him out and see when he runs out of ammo? No, he's smarter than that.

'Shouldn't your friends out there be barging in by now?'

Baloc shook his head at Storm, they're still outside waiting for my signal. Storm nodded, but he motioned for Baloc to keep them there. He began to get up and Baloc panicked, the idiots gonna sacrifice himself!
Just as Storm came into view and Greg was again lining up to shot. Baloc had jumped up and fired a couple of rounds, but Greg ducked out of the way, though he wasn't in the best area, being out in the clearing made him an easy target. But he was going to play differently, he quickly reloaded his gun and began making his way towards them. You have to move, you have to get him away from Storm or he'll kill him!
Baloc began running, not caring if Greg could see him, he pumped his legs harder when shots were fired, the bullets ricocheting off the walls of the warehouse. He spun around when he heard the gun had been emptied once more, aim and fire! He pulled the trigger, but missed, fuck! Greg was rushing towards him,trying to catch up. But he'd thrown his gun aside, the fucker had no more bullets! Baloc slowed his pace because he knew he had the higher ground. But he wasn't going to shoot Greg, not until he got his hands on him first.

'You think she wants you?'

Greg had slowed down, okay, so he doesn't have a gun, but he does have a knife, Baloc eyed the gleaming weapon in Greg's hand, probably the weapon he used on the first two victims, 'she only kissed you because she was lost, she doesn't know what she wants right now'. Deacon twisted on the chain, 'go get fucked Greg!' She yelled at him as she struggled to free herself, he could see Storm trying to crawl to her, keep Greg distracted, if he sees Storm, he'll get to him quicker than you and he'll kill him instantly.

'That's not what she said to me a few hours before'.

The words flew out of Baloc's mouth in seconds and he didn't regret it. Greg's face grew red and he pointed to knife at him, 'you touched her', his eyes were wide with anger. Baloc nodded, 'I suppose I did', he backed away a few steps and watched as Greg followed him, a little more. He'd have to get Greg closer to him, 'I'll have to get rid of you then', he'd lowered his voice at Baloc, who was trying to find a place to run to, looking behind himself he saw a ladder, move it, otherwise won't be able to get up that ladder at all. he turned and ran, hearing Greg rush after him.The ladder was warm against his skin as he began the climb, attempting to skip two at a time, those days at the gym really paid off. He felt the bars shake and he wasn't going to risk looking down because he knew Greg was on him.
The platform was far from sturdy as he tried to stand up, his hands shoot out to grab the railings and he began to move quickly. It could hold it his weight, but he wasn't so sure how it'll do when Greg was on it too, so he wasn't going to take the chance. Up a head he could see another railing and this one looked far more promising. When he reached the end he held onto the railing and swung across, just missing the rusting gap. He spun around and began slowly walking backwards, he was now at a safe distance, which allowed Storm to look after Deacon.

Storm crawled forward towards Deacon, 'oh god Storm, why!? You're already hurt as it is!' But he ignored her, 'Baloc, Greg has the key, I can't unlock her unless you get a hold of the key!'
Baloc nodded, his eyes trained on Greg's pockets.

'You think it'll be easy?'

Greg touched his pocket, 'I'll kill you in seconds before he get a hold of that, she stays there!' He nodded down to Deacon who was pulling furiously at the chains. Storm looked worse from wear, the stain on his shirt had grown bigger and Baloc needed him to get Deacon out of here, so he had to act quickly. The platform he stood on began to creak as Greg joined him, both look down with uncertainty, could this rusted thing hold them? They were about to find out.
Then an idea popped up in Baloc's head, he was going to use the platforms weakness to catch Greg off guard, it was the only way anyway. A few more steps and Greg was now at the center, only a few meters away from Baloc, who then grabbed the railings tightly and brought all of his weight down onto the rusted metal, 'what the fuck are you doing!? You're going to kill us both!' Greg yelled as he attempted to grab the railing on his right. Baloc had looked up just in time to see one of the chains that held the platform, break. He braced himself, because he wasn't just going to let Greg fall, he was going to try and grab his jacket. He watched Greg fall back, his upper body going down first, bingo! Baloc lunged forward and grabbed for the jacket, holding onto Greg for as long as he could, all the while, hooking his leg over the remaining railing that was there, only to curse when his walkie talkie fell out of his pocket, there was no chance of him calling for back up now.
His hands fumbled through the pocket and he almost cried out in happiness when his fingers wrapped around the key. But just at that very moment, Greg had gained his composure and curled upwards, swing the knife towards Baloc. The knife sliced through his neck.

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