Chapter 27

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The wind was cold against his skin, but his lips were warm, did she just kiss you? He saw her running, heading straight for her car, stop her! Before he knew it, he was sprinting after her, calling her name, but she wasn't slowing down, but of course, he was able to catch up to her in seconds. Before she was able to grab the door handle of the car, he had pulled her aside and spun her around so that her back was up against the vehicle, 'you kissed me'.

'I guess I did'.


Their faces were close, their bodies touching, his arms had trapped her against the cold metal, 'look at me', apart from wanting to see the beauty in her eyes, he wanted to see her. Their lips grew closer, but he threw himself back when voices were heard, a group of workers happened to pass by. The moment was gone, 'I'm sorry, I should be heading home, I didn't mean to waste your time'.

'You didn't waste my time'.

She shook her head, 'I'm sorry', she quickly hopped in her car and drove off, leaving him alone in the car park. What the fuck just happened? 'I don't know, but I want more of it'. Luckily he was alone when he said those words.


So you've just met the guy and you fell for him... Nice move, you're real easy, you know that? Deacon paced back and forth through her bedroom, the floor would have worn out by now, 'why the hell did I do that!?' She had to refrain from pulling her hair out. She could remember his face after she had kissed him and she couldn't tell if he was mortified or just plain shocked, he could be both, hell if he's mortified then I don't blame him. She pressed her hands against her cheeks and took a few breathes, but nothing could stop how fast her heart was beating. The voice inside her head was right, she was real easy and it hurt that it was true. Oh and just to top things off, he has a family, alright that was enough, she knew she'd screwed up... But wait... He was going to kiss you after he caught you! She remembered how close he had gotten to her, no don't bother thinking about it, get your head in the game, you haven't been in a relationship before, those signs are so wrong. Deacon looked over at her phone that lay on the kitchen counter, maybe Rose could help her.

When Rose had arrived she instantly threw Deacon into one of the kitchen chair, 'you kissed the detective! Holy shit!' Deacon covered her face in shame, 'I know, it was a dumb move, but it just happened, I couldn't control myself, I panicked and ran but he caught up to me and, oh my god!' Rose began to laugh, 'you're face is absolutely amazing right now'. She sat down across from Deacon, 'now you say he has a family, but he seemed to want to kiss you?'

'I'm just saying that, but I can't be too certain'.

'Oh come off it, you need to make up your mind, he either was going to kiss you or he wasn't.

The words were caught in Deacon's throat, I think he was going to kiss you, but you're too afraid to say yes. She sighed and leaned back against the chair, 'I don't know, I really don't know Rose, I've never done this before', she rolled her eyes, 'yeah, tell me something I don't know sweet heart'.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and both of them froze, Rose looked at the clock, 'who'd be knocking at this time of night?' Rose said as she watched Deacon head to the door, she looked through the peep hole and sighed in relief, 'it's just my brother, Greg'. She seemed to brighten up, 'oh! Well obviously let him in!'
He looked a little restless and tired when Deacon hugged him, 'what happened, you look like you haven't slept for a while', he chuckled, 'you're right, I've just been busy, may I?'

'Yeah sure, but you need to look after yourself, you got sick last time, remember?'

He nodded, 'how could I forget, I felt bloody awful that's for sure'.

He smiled at Rose, 'it's been a while since I've seen you Rose, how have you been?'

She gave him a giggle, 'I've been really good thank you', Deacon tried to hold back her laughter, she has the hots for your brother, I can tell.
He placed his jacket on the back of one of the chairs, 'damn, I'm beat, sorry, I just needed to rest for a bit'.

'You can stay overnight Greg, you know you can do that'.

He waved her off, 'no no, I should be fine', but she threw him a agitated look, 'alright alright, fine, I'll stay for the night' he chuckled, 'I guess it'll be best'.

'You know it'll be best otherwise you're going to collapse, what the hell were you doing that caused you to exert yourself?'

'Ah just doing a few things for work, it gets a little stressful sometimes'.

'I'd say'.

The news was blaring on in the background, 'no more deaths so far', Rose mumbled and Deacon realized that she was right, 'that's good, he must've been caught or something, but I'm glad no one else has been hurt'.

'Of course, we don't know that'.

Greg muttered as he watched the flickering screen, 'a body might show up the next morning', Deacon nudged his shoulder, 'don't talk like that, we need to think positive in this situation'. But he's right, what if there's another girl out there who's being tortured right now? 'Dee, you okay?' She realized she had, yet again, gone into a trance, 'yeah... Just a a little nervous, that's all'.

'There seems to be something else'.

He looked curious, his eyes never leaving hers. It was Rose who couldn't keep it in, 'Dee kissed someone!' He raised his eyebrows at her, 'really!?' Deacon rolled her eyes, 'you know I could've told him myself Rose', but she shook her head, 'uh no, I know you, you'd leave him hanging for a little'. Yeah she's right, she knows you.
Greg seemed to be fighting something internally, but only for a few moments before a big smile appeared on his face, 'I'm so proud of you, from what I know, you haven't had a love interest before, who's the lucky fella?' Rose stepped in once again, 'it's the detective that's working the case of those murdered girls -'. At that split second, he was sipping the coffee, he spat it out. When he looked up at Deacon, his eyes were wide, 'what? You kissed an FBI Agent?' Deacon grimaced, 'yeah, I did, it happened so quickly -'.

'But it was worth it!'

Rose said with a chuckle, 'because it sounds like he's got the hots for you too!' Deacon laughed, 'look, I'll have to wait it out, I think I frightened him to be honest'. Greg yawned, he'd finished his drink, 'I should rest up, thank you for the drink Dee', he kissed her on the forehead and headed down the hall.

'Your brother is good looking'.

Deacon tried to keep it together, 'Rose! Seriously? You're not gonna date my brother, okay', she pouted, 'and why the hell not? I like him!'

'Well, I'm his sister and I have to give the gold seal of approval'.

She put her hands up, 'well it looks like I'll have to give it my all then'. Deacon smile, 'that won't be hard at all'.
She looked out the window, the street was quiet, only the news in the background was heard, tonight would almost feel like a normal night, almost.

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