Chapter 36 - "Do any of you have a problem?"

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God, cheer tryouts were so boring. I watched from a distance with my friends, snickering at each attempt of a try out. They were all good I supposed, there was just nothing interesting about them. It was like they were all doing the same impression of awkward, ditzy cheerleader. In order to keep ourselves from dying of boredom, we were sharing funny stories. I turned my attention back my friends, who had fallen silent while I had zoned out.

"Did I ever tell you about New Year's Eve in Year Ten?" I asked, leaning back. John rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, about twenty times. It's probably your favourite story." John said, making sure to keep his tone joking. If he said anything that came close to an insult, he knew I'd push back, and push back hard. I shrugged at him.

"I wouldn't say it's my favourite." I replied lightly. Charlie laughed.

"It's got a horde of your exes chasing you down a street in New York, of course it's your favourite." John complained. I narrowed my eyes at him, noticing his voice taking on a note of criticism.

"Hey, they choose to come to the party. Besides, I can date and dump whoever I want" I protested.

"Relax Lukas. I wasn't snapping at you." John said. I laughed at him, not moving from my spot laying back against the bleachers.

"Of course you weren't." I said harshly. John glanced over at me, his eyes glittering with worry.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying; if you have a problem with my choices, you can leave." I said smoothly. John gave a sudden laugh.

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" He asked incredulously. I met his eyes and shrugged.

"That wasn't an invitation. Get out." John's eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"This is crazy, you're crazy." John muttered as he stood up, grabbed his bag and began to walk off. I looked around and the rest of my friends.

"Do any of you have a problem?" I asked pointedly. Everyone shook their heads, watching John leave.

"No way. He was out of line." Charlie exclaimed. I nodded, unconvinced. They thought I was crazy, that sending someone away for a bit of harmless teasing was insane. But I couldn't be bothered to deal with passive-aggressive snipes. I was about to talk again when Charlie gave a sudden exclamation.

"Hey, is that Lily at the tryouts?" Charlie said. I looked over and sure, enough Lily was there, looking indignantly at Rose.

"What the hell is Lily doing at the Team A tryouts?" I exclaimed, confused. Everyone watched, in varying levels of interest as Lily selected a song on her phone, loud enough that I could hear the beat from all the way on the other side of the oval, picked up a pair of pom-poms and started to dance. The music was a novelty, and not what I expected. Everyone else had been doing the routine chants, But Lily started doing a mixture of dancing and cheering, flipping over and easily completely round-offs, cartwheels and handstands. She strutted round the practice area, an almost cocky smile plastered on her face, an air of confidence surrounding her. I saw Millie, who had been trying out before, join her and they danced around each other, spinning and laughing, easily following each other's steps. As they song wound to a close and they finished the routine, Millie left and Lily gave an exaggerated to Rose, Saya and Katie, her gaze locked on Rose, a challenge. I looked towards Rose and saw that she seemed impressed. Begrudgingly impressed, but impressed none the less. To my surprise, Rose didn't say anything, only jerk her head towards the crowd of would-be cheerleaders eagerly awaiting their results. Lily walked over, her triumphant smile clear on her face. I looked back towards Rose, worried. Her silence meant that she was afraid, or at least intimidated. But why should Rose be afraid of Lily?


When Lukas had invited me to watch the cheer-tryouts with him and his wannabe friends, I'd easily declined. As if I'd actually want to watch a bunch of peppy cheerleader's chant and try their best to impress Rose. It would be like watching a slaughter. I could almost envision Rose and her cronies, smirking at every failed cheer. There was also the possibly that Elle would be there, and I didn't want to see her. I couldn't face her, not after what she'd said to me. Seeing her, chasing her further, would just be another mistake, and I already had years worth of them. I told myself that I wouldn't care if I saw Elle, that I'd breeze on by like she was any other student. No, I was over Elle.

But, I needed to date someone else, to prove I was over her, to prove to all of my friends who kept teasing my brief flirtation with Elle. I felt a smirk grow across my face as realisation struck me. Maybe, I needed someone to rub in Elle's face, just a little, that I was over her, that I felt nothing for her. Maybe, I needed Rose.


I was so unbelievably happy to have Harry back and alive I felt like I was going to burst. I almost couldn't believe my luck and I felt like I was dancing across clouds. But, unfortunately, that didn't stop the consequences of running away to see him.

I stared at Principal Verne as she frowned down at me, her face more stern than usual, her lips pursed in disgust.

"Miss Winter, your prior record is stellar, there are barely any misbehaviours in your school career."

"None." I thought, but didn't say. It wouldn't do any good to anger Principal Verne beyond what I had done. Besides, my previously untarnished record was possibly about to get a big, black mark against it

"However, this is serious. Very serious. Although we were notified by Miss Guerrero Esperanza about your absence, skipping class and leaving school grounds without permission is strictly prohibited. Ignoring our repeated requests for you to return to the school is downright rude and has cemented your new reputation as an silly, insolent child. For that reason, I'm stripping you from your position as the school Prime Minister, and limiting your duties as a student leader. However, your record and academic achievements are why I've made the executive decision to ignore Vice Principal Bolt's advice to suspend you from Prepsworth Academy. I have made this desision with no little difficult, and I hope that you now that any further misbehaviours will not be tolerated. Do not disappoint me again." Prinicpal Verne said sternly.

"Thank you Principal Verne. I will not disappoint you." I said earnestly, standing up and walking towards the door of the office, before promptly leaving. As I walked out into the hallway, I saw Vice Principal Bolt glaring at me, hatred evident on his face. I supposed that, in his eyes, I was nothing more than a spoilt, upstart child. I returned his glare easily, slipping my hands into my pockets.

"Good afternoon Mr Bolt." I said with saccharine sweetness as I pushed past him. As I strolled down the hallway, I allowed myself a smirk. I might've been disgraced, to some extent, but I was still powerful. I was still Emma Winter, and I could take down anyone in my path.

I received the same punishments as everyone else had, despite me being included in none of the squabbles that had occurred in the first week, but, thanks to Principal Verne, I could keep my perfect record, and Harry.

I stared at Harry as he hobbled to class with his crutches, trying to go as quickly as he could without falling. He'd changed. You'd be a fool to not change after what happened but the difference in him was significant, even if it was subtle. He was still kind and funny, seemingly taking everything in his stride, but there was a tougher, grimmer aura around him, like he was still struggling with what had happened. It was ironic, how the kindest person always got hurt. I wanted to help him come to terms with it, and before I wasn't sure that facing everything head on was such a good idea. I knew that time would heal whatever wounds he had, and that if he was hiding how he felt, it was for a good reason. I understood wanting to hide your problems, trying to solve them on your own, to not burden anyone else. Besides, I didn't want to push him when I wasn't ready to share all of my problems. That would open up wounds I didn't want to think about. I watched Harry disappear into the distance, letting him walk ahead of me and resolved to let him face things in his own way. After all, we were all hiding something.

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