Chapter 40 - "For all of your creepy stalking needs."

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I stared at myself in the mirror, my face sallow, void of make-up. My skin was slightly paler than the golden glow I was used to. These last few weeks had taken a toll on me. My hair too, was slightly lacklustre, a duller version of the honey-gold waves I was used to. What had happened to me? I'd thought that giving Elle that spot on the cheer team would make me feel better...but it didn't. I'd pinned up the list of names outside the largest and most luxurious student lounge.

Katie, Saskia and I were all on it, obviously. Elle too. I'd added Amy, despite the fact she hadn't auditioned because she was a brilliant dancer and I knew that she'd help us win any competitions that might pop up, if she bothered to take her mind off Jake. Lily and Amelia were on the team too, their auditions, especially Lily's, had been stunning, albeit different. But, for my plans to work out, different was just what I needed. I just hoped Lily had forgotten what happened in Year Seven and forgave me for what happened in the first week.

I'd also let in another dancer, albeit a less talented one. Val, I think was her name. That made eight, my favourite number for a cheer squad. I drew the layout, thinking hard on how was best at what and what would send a message.

Everything this year was so cryptic, so hidden. I'd learnt to play the game a long time ago, it was almost a requirement for my life, but maybe everyone else was catching up. I swallowed my fear. I'd handled all of the horrors in my life so far, a silly plan would be nothing. Nothing. But a small part of me whispered it's doubt into my ear, it's fear. I steeled my face, my eyes ice-cold. There was no turning


Prepsworth's library was one of the oldest buildings on campus, the it mimicked other libraries of the time with it's sprawling columns and sand-stone walls. It was imposing, and surrounding it was an intricate maze-like garden, dark red and soft pink roses dotting the garden. As well as being old, it was also rarely used, and it was typically empty, or close to empty. Although a few clubs were held in it, most students only visited the library if they needed to, and not for very long. Still, a fair amount of students came to library for silence and solitude. As I stepped through the grand wooden doors, the massive buildings was eerily silent. The library was three levels, and the main entrance reached all the way to the roof, where a panelled glass ceiling let in streams of sunlight. The air smelt like old books and roses and dust floated through the air. I walked to the librarian's desk, trailing a finger along the dusty bookshelves.

"How can I he- oh god." I looked up as I reached the desk and saw Natasha looking at me, dislike clear on her face.

"Natasha." I said, noting her feet propped up on the desk and her discarded book.

"Tom. What are you doing here?" Natasha asked.

"Can I not being enjoying the academic benefits that the library provides?"

"You? No. I doubt you even know what academic means." I bristled, glaring at her.

"What are you doing here, besides being rude to me?" Natasha swung her feet off the desk and swing around to face me.

"I'm working."

"For money? I suppose you're not volunteering out of the kindness of your heart." I snapped. Natasha glared at me.

"I need to make it up to the head of the paper, and besides, it looks good on university admissions."

"You, in trouble? Why?" I said, laughing.

"It's not funny. Besides, why do you care?" Natasha said sharply.

"I don't."

"So drop it."

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