Year one:My own personal hell

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Today was the first day of classes, and I was overjoyed.

All was well for my first couple of classes, Ravenclaw was even paired up with Hufflepuff for herbolagy.

But then came the inevitable class, charms. Professor Flitwick said he believed more in doing to learn, so we were practicing a basic charm Wingardium Leviosa.


Being in a class full of Ravenclaws and Slytherins ment everyone knew how to do it. Everyone, that is, except me.

I kept doing it exactly how I was told to, but it wouldn't work! Soon I caught the eye of the teacher, who walked over to my desk

"having trouble ms.Wellton?" He said watching me as I clearly struggled. "Oh, yeah just a bit"

Professor Flitwick squinted at me as though trying to find what I was doing wrong. "Well what spells do you know?"

I looked down at the table blushing "none" I barley whispered "what was that?" Professor Flitwick asked

"I- I don't know how to do any charms correctly" I stuttered out as the professors eyes widen "oh, well, um, have..."

he looked around and his eyes set on a student who has his quill already floating up to practically the roof.

"Malfoy! Yes you, could you help out this young lady?" Malfoy looked up, causing his quill to flutter down to his desk.

He stood and grabbed his quill walking over. I was excited that I was getting taught by someone who clearly knew what they were doing.

"Hey again robe girl" Malfoy said to me taking a seat. "Robe girl, eh?" I said jokingly, trying to hide the fact that I couldn't do a simple spell like Wingardium Leviosa.

"yup, never quite caught your name" I almost slapped myself thinking how rude it was to not have introduced myself.

"The name is Y/n Wellton pleasure to meet you, again" Malfoy smirked and looked at my quill, which hadn't moved in the past ten minutes.

"So, do you know how to do anything?" The words stung as I shook my head "I can't seem to do any spells right, so charm class is my own personal hell"

he seemed confused but he went on to show me how to do it. At the end of class, I could make my quill float just a bit, but enough to impress Professor Flitwick.

"Would you mind helping out miss Wellton out of class? I'll make sure you two don't get in trouble if you're out after hours, as long as you guys were studying."

That seemed to catch Malfoy's attention and he nodded eagerly.

I can't believe I was being tutored by a person who could probably do charm class with his eyes closed. I would be good in a zip!


I caught up with Lutworth between classes. "Wellton! How was charms?"

I sighed "terrible. But hey I got a tutor, he was really good! So i'll probably survive"

suddenly Malfoy was next to us "hey Wellton, let's study after all the classes are done, okay?"

I nodded my head happily and Malfoy set off. "Isn't this great?" When I turned back to Lutworth he looked pale.

"Something wrong?" I kept on my smile, as Lutworth responded "that's the guy from the train. The one that was making fun of me."

My face fell as the sensitive kids eyes watered, almost as though he had forgotten all about that incident.

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