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That didn't keep me from crying out as I saw the horrifying scene in front of me

Fletchley was laid on the floor with his hands out in front of him like he was protecting himself from something

His face was twisted in a silent scream and I felt like I couldn't look away, but my gaze was tugged to a shape nearby

There floated Nearly Headless Nick, dark and smoky instead of his pearly white

I didn't see more when kids ran in on the scene from wherever they had been and began crowding around in horror

My eyes were diverted to someone who had been there the whole time when Peeves began singing

Oh, Potter, you rotter, oh, what have you done,
You're killing off students, you think it's good fun -

"That's quite enough Peeves" came the curt voice of Professor Mcgonagall as she fought her way through the crowd

With much effort she made all the kids appoint to their dorms with help from the perfects

As I started to follow behind Penelope I caught a glimpse of Harry following behind Professor Mcgonagall as she walked away

I didn't feel anything as we all walked to the tower, it felt like I was numb

We made it into the common room and I sat down to stare out one of the windows

Penelope walked by and I almost called out to her but she scurried away

Guess she was busy

I went to my dorm and pulled out some parchment and an envelope

My dearest Mother and Father,

It's kind of late notice, but I'd like to stay for winter break. Things are kind of hectic and one of my friends want some company. I truly hope this is alright since I might've already told Filch I was staying. Well, things have been-

I paused at that, should I tell them what was happening? Should I even let them know that something was wrong?

Great. Yeah, well I should probably study now, gotta keep those grades up!

Y/n Wellton


A few days later I untied a letter from Owl's leg at breakfast and admired the wax seal

Ripping it open I unfolded the parchment inside

My dearest, Y/n

Of course you can stay for the winter break, even if it didn't sound much like a question. I'm glad to hear that everything is running smoothly at Hogwarts, we're doing quite fine ourselves. Tell your friends I said hello, okay?

Your mother

I smiled at the letter and turned to talk to Penelope when I noticed she wasn't sitting next to me like normal.

Actually, when was the last time me and Penelope talked?

I glanced up and down the table to spot Penelope far down the table, sitting across from Robert Hillard, the other Ravenclaw perfect

She was talking rapidly and Hillard was listening intently, but soon he put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head

Penelope didn't look convinced for whatever Hillard was trying to reassure her about

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