Year one:Wingardium Leviosa

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Me and Malfoy have been doing late night tutoring sessions for a while now, and last night we stayed up particularly late working on Accio (can't do it perfectly yet) so I was tired.

I sat at the Ravenclaw table in a nearly empty grand hall. Despite the fact I sleep so late, i've been waking up at the crack of dawn. So i'd just decided to start eating breakfast super early.

I was sitting there and eating when I heard footsteps walking into the grand hall. Suddenly Malfoy was sitting next to me and gnawing on a slice of toast.

"Morning" I mumbled to him still half asleep. "Good morning" he whispered back spreading butter on another slice.

We sat in silence as we ate and when I needed something all the way on the other side of table, I pointed my wand absentmindedly.

"Accio pumpkin juice" the pitcher floated over and seamlessly landed right in front of me.

We were wide awake now.

"What the hell! How did you do that!?" I realized what had just happened when Malfoy called that out

"I-I don't know! I just, did it!" Malfoy started at the pitcher but my senses began dull from my sleepiness, so I just poured some juice in my cup and kept eating.

Malfoy kept staring at me and taking questioning bites of his toast.

People began walking into the grand hall and Malfoy was still staring at me in surprise.

As more people came in Malfoy moved to the Slytherin table and looked deep in thought. I finished breakfast and walked over to Lutworth.

"Oh, good morning Wellton!" I smiled at him and we chatted for a couple minutes

"well i'm gonna go for a walk outside, I don't got classes till the afternoon." My Hufflepuff friend nodded with a smile.

I walked out of the grand hall and stepped outside while the sun was almost lighting up the whole sky. The sky was still pink and honestly looked pretty cool.

I sat on a tree stump and watched the sky for a few minutes, when I spotted Malfoy walking over.

I realized too late that he was about to walk past a certain tree. "Malfoy!"

He realized why I yelled at him when a tree limb smacked down behind him. Malfoy began running at top speed to get out of the Whomping Willow's range.

Malfoy thought he was out of range, and I did too. Then a limb rushed down right over his head, as time slowed down, he looked frozen in fear.

I whipped out my wand and pointed it at the tree limb "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The limb stopped in midair looking as though it was struggling to try and continue it's strike.

"Malfoy!" I wheezed out getting eminently tired. Malfoy stayed in place his eyes widened in fear.

"Malfoy!" He still didn't move and I began to sweat. "Draco!" I yelled out and he seemed to snap out of it. "What the...?" He whispered in shock


He looked at me and seemed worried. I felt as though I was going to pass out, but I forced myself to stay up long enough for Malfoy to move out from underneath the limb.

As soon as he did I collapsed to the ground my eyesight caving in. The last thing I saw was Malfoy staring down at me, pleading me to stay awake.

But my sight fully caved in with a small smile, happy that I had held up the limb.

Silent Secrets (Draco × Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ