1-Owls, mudbloods, and red

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At breakfast, in an attemptt make it obvious I was mad, I was completely silent.

Well, until I wasn't.

You see, Malfoy told a particularly funny joke, and I spit out my pumpkin juice. So we were doubled over laughing when Lutworth walked in.

"Lutworth!" I called over, seeming to forget who I was just spitting up pumpkin juice with.

Lutworth looked at me like he was angry. I realized the situation I was in too late, and glanced from Malfoy to Lutworth.

"I'm gonna go hang with Lutworth for a while." He scoffed and I might've heard him whisper "filthy mudblood" but I pretended he didn't.

"Lutworth! How'd you sleep?" My friend still didn't look fine with the scene he'd walked in on

"fine how about you?" I thought about my nightmare but decided not to mention it to Lutworth

"like a baby" I lied.

"Were you hurt yesterday or what? You missed double herbolagy!" He playfully whined seeming to quickly drop the Malfoy thing.

Damm it, he's about to pick it right back up. "Well, I had a little run in with the Whomping Willow. More specifically...Malfoy did."

Lutworth looked shocked and urged me to explain. "I was sitting outside when Malfoy walked over, but he didn't notice he was walking past the Whomping Willow."

"Then the tree did it's thing, and Malfoy started running. He froze while he was under a large limb, so I used Wingardium Leviosa to keep the thing from going."

"But it took Malfoy too long to snap out of it, and I kind of passed out the second he moved"

I expected Lutworth, well I don't know what I expected Lutworth to do, but it definitely wasn't smile.

"That's good. Malfoy should be grateful he's even alive because of you." I smiled at him, blushing , when Malfoy called out

"hey, wanna get some early morning studying in?" I forced my smile to drop as I turned.

"I should probably go" I whispered to Lutworth "why? I'd say you're pretty good with magic now"

I realized he was right, even when I wasn't trying to get pumpkin juice, or save Malfoy, I could do spells no problem.

But I feel like the day wouldn't feel complete without some late night tutoring. I mean it never hurts to get better?

And it would move my sleep schedule all over the place. "Really though, I should always try and get better."

I stood up and walked over to Malfoy who smirked over my shoulder.

I choose to ignore it, making sure not to look back at Lutworth, and trying to block out the sensitive kids little sobs. He must be reliving the train incident.

We walked around the school and Malfoy suddenly spoke "so you really talk to that mudblood huh?"

I stared at Malfoy in shock "you mean Lutworth?" I practically snapped the question at him, angry he said something like that.

"Whatever you wanna call him I guess, I just call him what he is"

I glare at him, but i'm kind of curious as to how the thought that he was better than muggle borns crossed his mind.

"Why do you call muggle borns that?" Malfoy turned up his nose like he was better than the whole world

"that's what they are, mudbloods. They were born muggles, they should stay muggles."

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