1-Ruined Reunion

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1200 words

I began to pack up my stuff while I picked up my wand and stared at it.

Pointing it to the high ceiling I called out "Incendio" and a shot of fire soared up and blazed out.

I looked at the smoke that remained. I picked up my trunk with a sigh and patted my leg

"Ares, come on buddy" he walked over and I was going to call Owl but he was already soaring into his cage.

Grabbing his cage as well I made my way outside and ran into Lutworth

"Wellton! It's great to be going home isn't it?" He looked overjoyed and I nodded my head in agreement.

When we got on the Hogwarts Express we walked through the carts until we found the empty one with Ron, Harry, and Hermione in it.

Ares looked thrilled at the sight of Harry and rushed over to him with a meow. Harry looked flustered and I emedently began to blush.

"Ares, get back here" he looked at me and Harry sadly before walking back.

Lutworth quickly had me sit down and soon we were both talking nonstop and the other three were mostly silent.

Needless to say, I was surprised when Harry spoke "your parents sound nice"

he said it in regards to me explaining about my mother and father, and I was pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah, guess they are. I mean, they're Hufflepuffs so what did you expect?" Lutworth smiled and Harry chuckled at the comment.

Soon us three were chatting openly while Ron glared and Hermione attempted to calm him down.

It was fun to be talking to those two, everything was made funny and we were constantly laughing.

I almost felt sad when the train came to a stop, but Ron leaped up and grabbed Harry's arm

"come on man we got to go" Harry pulled his arm out of Ron's grip and smiled

"I can tell the train stopped Ron" he surprised me again by hugging me, much to Ron's dismay.

I hugged back and waved at him as he walked away turning to Lutworth.

We stepped off the train and he gave me a quick hug before waving as he went to his parents who still looked amazed at the things they were seeing.

I spotted my parents and made my way over to them, putting my stuff down to hug them.

"Oh, welcome back sweetie!" My mum smiled warmly at me and I did the same back.

I put my luggage down and looked around for a certain person, finding them quickly.

"I'll be right back mum" I walked over to where the Malfoys were standing and waved. He walked over and we met in the middle.

He held his hand out like he was going to give me another awkward hand shake, and I pulled him into a hug.

Malfoy seemed shocked at first but he hugged back and we pulled apart

"keep an eye peeled for Owl, he might pay a visit" I smirked and Ares meowed from next to me.

Malfoy nodded with a smile and walked back to his parents.

I turned to mum and dad and emedently realized something was wrong.

They both looked pale and when I got back to them they seemed a bit panicked.

"Mum? Dad? Something wrong?" Dad looked down at me

"sweet pea, what was that about?" I smiled when I realized they didn't know I even had friends

"that's Malfoy, he's my friend!" I didn't see what was wrong with it, but he crouched down so he was my height.

"Sweet pea, you won't understand but it's for the best" I'm not sure why he's talking like one of my family members passed away, but it was making me uneasy.

"You can't be friends with Malfoy, i'm sorry"

I forced myself not to flip out

"what do you mean? I made a friend like you asked!" I pleaded to my father but he wasn't having any of it

"i'm sorry" I blinked intensely to prevent myself from crying and turned to look back at Malfoy.

He was smiling now and when he spotted me looking at him he waved.

Father held my hand so I wouldn't wave back.

The ride home was miserable. No one spoke and the only noise was the silent hum of the engine.

When we got home I stepped out in silence and walked inside.

I placed everything down in my room and calmly face planted onto the bed and screamed into my pillow.

I glanced outside through the window and sighed thinking about how I told Malfoy i'd owl him.

I stood up and looked at Owl and grabbed some parchment from my trunk.

I dipped my quill in some ink and began to write

My dearest Malfoy

The weirdest thing happened when I made it to my parents, but i'll save you the details. Either way, it feels great to be back home, and I hope you're as happy as I am. I don't really have much to say, my life isn't that exciting, but I feel a little bored, so you're my fallback.

Sincerely from,
Y/n Wellton

I stared at the parchment and slipped it into an envelope.

I should just listen to father, I always had, i'm not sure what had changed.

I looked at the envelope for a couple more seconds and looked over at Owl.

I tucked the envelope into a drawer in my dresser and walked downstairs.

I'd apologize for arguing with father and we could be back to normal. I made it downstairs to a strange sight.

Mum and dad were sitting at the table like they were at some meeting, not their own house.

They spoke in quiet, hushed voices and I dashed to hide.

"We were supposed to tell her today" my mother looked worried as she spoke, almost sad

"I know, but we can't. Not if she's talking to a Malfoy, it would break her" I kept my mouth shut as my mother nodded her head

"you're right, if she adopts the mindset of a Malfoy, we'll never be able to tell her"

I was ready to quietly dash up the stairs when Owl came swooping down.

He flew right next to my head and did something that made me want to scream.

"SQUAWK!" I ran as fast as I could up the stairs as my parents stood up in shock.

"What was that?" I slipped into my room and grabbed a book, opening it to a random page and plopping onto my bed.

I forced my body to relax as my parents walked in, Owl seeming to have led them in there.

"Um, something wrong guys?" Owl narrowed his eyes and my parents bumbled around

"oh nothing, we just thought we heard something" they closed the door and Owl flew into his cage as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Not cool Owl" I hissed quietly but the bird just nestled into his feathers.

I stared at the drawer I had shoved the envelope into and pet Ares absentmindedly.

"Sweetie" mum called from downstairs like nothing had happened "dinner is ready!" I stood up to go

Yo, every action has it's equal opposite reaction. Okay anywho, I will be updating a little differently for a bit. The next couple of chapters might be like way shorter, and might be from a different pov. These next few chapters are just peeks into what's going on over the summer, definitely not because I want a break from stressing out over having at least 1000 words. See ya!

Silent Secrets (Draco × Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora