2-Looneys and Looks

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I realized halfway through writing this that Harry and Ron didn't go on the train, but I wasn't about to rewrite that so deal with it. I know this will affect a lot, but it's covered.

I looked around my room as I got ready to get up and grab my trunk.

Ares leaped elegantly off the bed and tugged at my blanket without moving it an inch.

I watched Owl unlatch his cage with ease and fly out to grip onto the blanket.

It was off in a split second and I sighed "lay off me for one day, will you?"

Owl just chirped at me and I stood up to get ready.

My room still looked terrible and I had to step over piles of clothes to even get to my trunk.

I put it right next the the door and went to go wash up. When I came back out I grabbed my stuff, letting Owl land on my shoulder and holding Ares in his cage.

I yawned as I went downstairs to find dad cooking

"goodmorning dad" he turned and was smiling widely

"goodmorning sweet pea, sit down, breakfast is almost ready"

when breakfast is ready mother joins us and we eat. Afterwards dad turns to me

"need any help with your stuff sweet pea?" I shake my head and call Owl over as he lands on my shoulder.

Ares is still in his cage and I pick him up ready to go to the car.


When we made it to platform 9 and 3/4 I looked around at the many families as they waved their kids off.

Once I was on the Hogwarts Express I walked through the many carts and soon I spotted Lutworth.

He was talking with Harry excitedly while his owl nipped at his hair every few seconds.

Ron sat happily with Scabbers in his lap while Hermione asked about the cleaning habits for the rat.

When I walked in Lutworth and Harry smiled and Ron looked away and focused on his pet.

Ares slinked into the corner of his cage to get far away from Scabbers.

With a sigh I sit down and open his cage and he seemed to forget about Scabbers for a second.

He looked over hesitantly at Harry and started to hop around on the seats.

Lutworth fixed his hair, which was everywhere because of his owl.

"Sniff, quit it!" He hissed quietly at his owl who snapped at him with narrowed eyes.

Lutworth let out a sigh and turned back to us and I realized the exhausted look in his eyes.

"How was your summer guys?" I said to the others as Ron promptly pretended I wasn't there.

Was he still mad? Grow up.

The train lurched forward and we started talking and the subject of potions came up

"man, Snape has it out for me" Harry spoke while lightly petting Ares, who had settled down and sat next to me

"really? I think he's pretty cool" everyone's eyes landed on me, even Ron broke his streak of ignoring me.

"Snape, cool? Bloody mental" I didn't get why everyone was staring at me like I had three heads, potions was a fun class!

"I don't know what you guys are talking about, potions gets really cool. I even switched places with another student once"

Ron rolled his eyes and looked away while Hermione looked at me with a questioning glance.

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