Special Chapter #4

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Malfoy's pov

I jumped up as Owl knocked on my window. Quickly opening it, I ducked to avoid his claws.

Owl huddled into his feathers as he waited for the water I always gave him.

I put the tin down and, shockingly enough, he didn't snap at my hand.

I slowly slipped my hand over to the letter tied to his leg, and he didn't skip a beat as I took it off.

I looked at the wax seal on the envelope and was a little confused.

It was blue which made sense, except when I squinted at the crest I realized it had the words Hufflepuff across it.

Maybe they thought I wouldn't notice the wrong crest.

Once I sat down I ripped it open and began to read

My dearest Malfoy,

Something is wrong, I can tell. My mom and dad are acting weird, and I don't know what to think about it. Now would actually be the right time to say that my parents don't seem too fond of your family. I don't know why, but I feel like there's something going on they won't tell me. Even Owl is acting odd, and I just don't know what to do. There's never been a block between me and my parents before. I don't know what to do, I thought maybe you might?

Y/n Wellton

I glared at the piece of parchment and slapped it down on the table.

I guess Wellton just emedently assumed I would know what to with distant parents!

I was fuming as I crossed my arms and glared out the window. I took a glance down at the letter and noticed something.

At a few spots the ink was smudged, I thought it was just a mistake but I looked a bit closer.

There was small wet spots on every smudge, scattered around the letter. I let out a sigh as I grabbed some parchment.


You and your parents aren't going to be close forever you know. You aren't five, they don't need to hold your hand and walk you through life. Just take a step back and breathe, parents can keep secrets from their children and they do it a lot. You can't expect to know everything. Stop acting like such  a mudblood. Also next time you shed a few tears, please refrain from getting the parchment wet.

Draco Malfoy

I slipped the letter into an envelope and sealed it, tying it to the leg of a surprisingly calm Owl.

He zoomed out the window and I stood there wondering if that last sentence might've been a little harsh.


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