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I opened my eyes and reached out to pet Ares and touched the feathery head of Owl.

I looked over to see Ares curled up into Owl's feathers, who had moved to the bed at some point in the night.

I smiled at the two and slowly inched out of bed, careful not to move it too much. I touched the window and it was freezing.

The wind had begun to develop a chill and it would definitely snow soon.

I got dressed and put on my robes, walking out the door to an empty common room.

I walked outside to the grand hall where I saw Malfoy sitting there and eating. I snuck over and playfully punched him in the shoulder

"what's going up?" Malfoy seemed to glare at me but after a few seconds he smiled back "nothing much, just eating"

I stood there using his head as an arm rest like I used to do with a lot of my friends. "So, are you going home for winter break? I know I am"

he looked a little uncomfortable with the whole position, but I ignored it. "Yeah, I am going home" he didn't look thrilled about it which kind of confused me.

"Well, are you excited?" He let out a huff, and my attention was drawn away when I saw Harry walk in with his usual friends and Lutworth.

I almost smiled at him until I remembered that me and Lutworth hadn't talked in months.

I let out a small sigh, all my playful energy gone as I sat down next to Malfoy.

He looked at me questionably but seemed to brush it off and continue eating.

I drank pumpkin juice while eating my food, realizing how much i'd grown onto the drink.

Pumpkin juice had always seemed like a weird thing to me, but it was pretty nice.

I finished up my food and walked off without a word, out of the grand hall and onto the Hogwarts grounds.

I lifted my face as my wind blew through my hair. I let out another sigh and thought about how much everything had changed.

Me and Lutworth had grown distant, and Ron looked as though he was ready to rip out my throat because of the whole trophy room scene.

I remember the first time we had met, Ron looking like a bumbling jokester and Lutworth emedently showing himself as a sensitive kind kid.

I smiled as I remembered meeting Harry for the first time, who had seemed like a soft kid.

Now that I think about it, I had just took Malfoy's word that he was some big headed kid.

But I guess it doesn't matter, at least i'm okay at charms now, so I had Malfoy to thank for that.


I was waiting to get on the Hogwarts Express to go back home for the winter break.

The air was chilly and snowflakes began to fall when I had finally made it on the train.

I was looking around, wondering where i'd sit, when I entered a nearly empty cart.

Lutworth looked up at me from his conversation with Ron and, to my surprise, smiled

"Wellton! Why don't you join us?" I smiled back in relief as I sat next to Lutworth.

Owl flew around and landed on another seat with Ares sitting on Lutworth's lap.

My smile shrunk away when I saw Ron's face, who didn't look as welcoming.

Ares glared at Ron as I did the same, but Lutworth seemed totally oblivious to the tension as he began rambling about how excited he was to see his family again.

I decided to put the drama between me and Ron to the side for the train ride, excited to be talking with Lutworth once again.

I kept talking with Lutworth the whole ride, while Ron stared holes into me.


The train came to a stop at platform 9 and 3/4 as we all stood. I smiled when I spotted my parents and waved at Lutworth as I walked away.

"Oh, we're so glad to see you sweetie!" I smiled up at them, Owl perched on my shoulder and Ares at my feet.

The Hogwarts Express lurched away to go back to the school and I spotted Malfoy.

His parents were standing like statues while he stood there looking miserable.

I was going to wave, but my parents ushered me to the way out excited to have their daughter back I guess.

When we made it home, I plopped down on my bed with a sigh. It felt good to be back, but I also felt as though I was already missing the giant halls of Hogwarts.

Either way, I was home, and it did feel good to be back. I looked at my bookshelf of muggle books, wondering if I should take more than one for next semester.

I had finished the book I brought quickly, and had just been rereading it for most of the semester.

I was laying there when I took the small ball out of my pocket. It was blood red, and I was admiring it when Owl swooped down and snatched it.

"Owl!" I called out, following him down the stairs and to the living room, where my parents were sitting around.

He dropped it on the coffee table, and it was still fading from the blood red color.

My parents looked at it seemingly panicked, rightfully so considering the stunt Owl had just pulled.

"Mum, dad, I don't know what just got into Owl, he just did that" I picked it up and was about to pocket it when my dad spoke up

"Y/n, where'd you get that?" I arched my eyebrow in confusion "it was a gift from a friend, why?"

He shook his head as though to clear it "no reason sweet pea, you can keep it, it's okay"

I thought that was a weird way to word it, but I walked away anyway.

I waited for Owl but I heard a small "it's okay Pumpkin, she can have it"

I narrowed my eyes in confusion as I walked up the stairs, but I quickly forgot about the weird whisper.


I sighed at the window in my room, sunlight filtering through the blinds.

Ares was sleeping and Owl was perched in the cage we got him. I stood up and grabbed his cage, ready to go back to Hogwarts.

I smiled as Ares piped awake and stood next to me while we walked down the stairs.

We got everything together and when we got to the train station I was drained of all my energy.

Lutworth tried to talk to me, but halfway through our conversation I fell asleep leaning my head on his shoulder.

We made it back to Hogwarts and I went to my dorm room and slept all day since we didn't have classes.

The trip feels kind of worthless, doesn't it?

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