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I sat there looking out the window of the common room, brilliant white snow blanketing the ground.

The Whomping Willow stood still like a normal and innocent tree, covered slightly with snow.

The Black Lake had frozen over and some people were skating around the edges.

I spotted Lutworth skating with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I smiled quietly and leaned against the window.

I closed my eyes and just sat there for a few seconds. Finally standing up I walked out of the common room and roamed around the halls.

I take out my wand and figure I should try teaching myself to do something.

I emedently thought to try one that I needed to learn. "Lumos!"

I tried to do the spell, but nothing happened. I thought back to all the times Malfoy had done it and after a few tries, it worked.

"Sweet" I put my wand away and walked down the corridor.

I was minding my own business when I turned a corner and literally bumped into Malfoy.

"Oh gods, Malfoy! You scared me half to death." I chuckled at him with a small smile hugging a stack of books to my chest.

I quickly remembered what I had taught myself, and pulled out my wand.

"Hey, check out what I can do! Lumos!" I flicked my wand as the tip lit up and I smiled at Malfoy.

He didn't smile back for some reason, I guess he wasn't in a good mood today. Either way, I wasn't about to let that bring me down.

I kept on my smile until Malfoy spoke. "Anyway, who cares if you can do that spell, it should've been the first spell you could do"

he huffed out at me and turned around to walk away.

"What's ruffling your scales" I hissed as he walked away, narrowing my eyes in frustration.

Why couldn't he just be happy that I taught myself something for once?

I huffed over through the hallways and spotted Harry, Ron, and Hermione giggling with each other.

"Oh, Wellton" Harry said as though he was trying to start a conversation, but he chose the wrong time.

"How's your day been-?" I cut his other friend off

"oh why don't the three musketeers go find someone else to bother!" I spat at them venom leaking from my voice as Harry looked at me in shock.

I kept a death glare on the three, and soon my eyes met Ron's. He was giving me the same glare and we stared each other down.

Suddenly someone came skipping down the hall and stood next to them.

I kept staring at Ron before I turned to look at the kid, still angry.

I realized it was Lutworth, his cheeks were flushed red from the cold air and he was smiling wider than i'd ever seen him smile.

Still glaring for some reason I looked at him and his smile fell.

I kept my glare on and stared into Ron's eyes once again.

Ron narrowed his eyes and looked away. Harry still seemed a little shocked and Hermione had to nudge her friends for them to move.

I slunk away angrily and let out a huff as I went to start my classes.


I tried to keep my mind off the events that conspired in the morning, but I couldn't help it.

When I made it to the library I was still pissed off and it showed really well.

Malfoy looked at me and snorted "what's wrong with you?"

I glared at him, but eminently I was washed over with guilt.

I told him what had happened after he'd walked away, and how bad I felt that I had said that, but he only seemed focused on one thing.

"The three musketeers? That's hilarious!"

I glared at him, since he had just completely missed the point here

"did you even listen to a single word I just said?"

"What was that?"

"Great gods Malfoy, you are insufferable" I turned and took out my wand, waving it around aimlessly.

Since we were at the library and I wasn't in the mood to learn some stupid spell, I grabbed a random book.

The book was about animagus and I opened it and started to read.

I was well through the book when I came to a chapter titled 'Becoming an animagus.'

I have to admit, it definitely intrigued me. Maybe i'd try it.

You need to be good at transfiguration and potions? Now that's my ballpark.

But, a leaf in my mouth for a month? I don't know about that.

And untouched dew, that would be a little difficult. The rest seems easy enough.

I was so enveloped in my book, that I almost jumped when I saw Malfoy stand up.

I started getting ready to go as well and he gave me a questioning glance.

I scribbled down a note to the librarian telling her I had taken a book, and the name of the book.

"Ready to go!" He narrowed his eyes at me and I smiled "I gotta see, don't I?"

He huffed and walked in front of me, his wand glowing. He dropped me off at my common room and I went in.

I opened the book so I could finsh up the chapter I was on and go to bed.

Don’t forget to log your personal details and Animagus appearance on the Animagus Registry. Failure to do this might land you in Azkaban prison.

Azkaban, huh? Well, I guess i'll have to be sneaky.

I closed the book and went to grab my muggle one from the dorm room.

Sitting back down, I opened my book. I'll read one or two chapters.

Two hours later I closed the finished book and went to bed.

Slowly I drifted off to sleep, thinking about where i'd get everything.

The chapters are shortening, aren't they?

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