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The next morning I woke up and got ready to go for breakfast. I picked up the small ball as it turned blood red.

I slipped it into my pocket and walked out of the dorm. Looking around the common room I realized I might've woke up a little later than usual.

Making it to the grand hall, I saw a little scene going on at the Gryffindor table.

Looking over a few shoulders I spot Harry sitting in front of a broom, Malfoy talking to him.

I push my way forward in an attempt to keep Malfoy from screwing himself over. I think I arrived at the worst time possible though

"i'm his second, who's yours?" Ron hissed at Malfoy when I made it to his side.

Harry gave me the tiniest wave while I tried to figure out what on earth was going on without flat out asking.

Malfoy looked at Crabbe and Goyle while I stood there confused when he looked at me "Wellton's my second"

still having no idea what was happening, I glanced at him shocked. "The trophy room, at midnight"

he walked away as I followed him in an attempt to figure out what I had just agreed to.

"So, what the hell was that?" Malfoy looked as though he forgot I hadn't even been there for the whole scene.

"I challenged Potter to a duel" he said it like it was nothing despite the fact that you can get into serious trouble for dueling.

"What? No, no, I am not going to be pulled into your foolish games!" I glared at Malfoy,  but he didn't seem to care.

Then I got a little curious.

If they were just going to make fools out of themselves, then there was no way I was going to miss that.

"So, midnight you say?"


I shook my head at myself as I walked through the trophy room with Malfoy.

His wand caused the many different trophies to glint marvelously. We looked around for Ron and Harry, and instead spotted Filch.

Malfoy tossed me into a crack between two shelves squeezing his way in behind me.

I opened my mouth to protest but he used his hand to cover it and I narrowed my eyes at him. I licked his hand causing him to yank it away and look at me in disgust.

"We're allowed to be out after hours, remember?" He began to blush as though he'd realized just how close we were.

Wedging our way out I spotted Harry and Ron, and looked at Malfoy. "You still mad at Potter?"

Not waiting for an answer, I walked over to the two and pretended to be surprised.

"Ron, Harry? What are you guys doing out?" I said the words loudly and they looked at me like I was out of my mind.

Malfoy nudged me and asked "what do you mean Wellton we... oh!"

A look of understanding spread across his face and he pretended to be shocked too.

"Yeah, why are you guys out? It's after hours you know."

Ron looked as though he was ready to launch at Malfoy and rip him to shreds, but just at that moment Miss Noris let out a meow from behind them.

There Filch was with his cat in his arms, his eyes narrowed at Harry and Ron.

"Filch, we were going to practice here when we ran into them." I said it like we had really just ran into them while going about our business.

Ron wasn't having it though "that's not true! They-" I glared at him as Flich cut him off.

"Wesley, I would stay quiet if I were you. 20 points from Gryffindor, each, and detention."

Ron gave me a death glare as Flich escorted them away, and I smiled back, waving. Malfoy smirked at them as they walked away, and I tapped him on the shoulder.

"So, can we actually learn something while we're out here?" He rolled his eyes but pulled out his wand.

"What do you wanna learn?" I think hard and smile "how about Lumos?"

He quickly shook his head, shooting the idea down "nah, maybe you can practice Alohomora a little more"

I cocked my head to the side, but figured he knew what he was talking about.


When I got back to the common room and in my dorm, I took the small ball out of my pocket.

It still glowed that blood red, but I know I wasn't forgetting anything.

Owl flapped his wings as though distressed, and I walked over to calm him down. "Shh, you'll wake up the others"

I whispered to him as he slowly calmed down and I placed the small ball down.

I tucked into my bed and figured tomorrow would be uneventful, so long as Malfoy didn't screw everything up.

I smiled quietly, thinking about how we totally got those two in deep trouble.


At breakfast the next day, I was a little shocked to find Malfoy there before me. I smiled at him and sat down to eat my food.

When Ron and Harry walked in with their other friend, Ron glared at me.

I almost shrunk away from his stare, but I forced myself to sit strong and tall.

I narrowed my eyes lightly as Ron turned and began talking to Lutworth, who I hadn't realized was walking close to them.

Ron pointed to me at one point and Lutworth looked at me in disbelief.

I shrunk down and ate my food in silence, chancing a glance at Lutworth every once in a while.

Once I was done I stood up and walked over to him "Lutworth! Good morning, how about a game of gobstones before the classes start? I bet I can beat you"

I smiled jokingly at him, but he didn't do the same back. "I'm good, I need to get some extra studying in anyway"

he stood up and picked up some books "I'm falling behind on potions, so Ron, me, and Harry are getting some help from Hermione"

I forced my smile to stay as he walked away, and now that i think about it, he is always confused in potions.

I never noticed.

Shorter than usual isn't it?

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