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The next day we have classes, and normally there would be no complaining.


"Double defense against the dark arts! With that whack job? This will be a nightmare!"

Ron, Harry, and Lutworth nodded in agreement, but Hermione had a different view on things.

"He's a very successful wizard, and he has made many achievements that you three couldn't dream of making"

it was clear she was trying to sound like she wasn't blowing her top, and she was bad at it.

Then something on her schedule caught my eye

"why do you have all of Lockheart's lessons outlined with little hearts?"

Hermione blushed profusely as Ron rolled his eyes and the other two chuckled quietly.

We hung around outside for a bit, since we had time to kill.

Hermione read Voyages With Vampires, the boys talked amongst themselves, and I read some muggle series I had found called Percy Jackson.

I was on the first book and I honestly loved it. Then I felt a stare bearing into our group, causing me to look up.

I spot that weird kid with a camera staring at Harry and when he spots me looking he starts to fumble with his camera nervously.

I tapped Harry on the shoulder causing the three to look up.

"Look behind you" when Harry looked at him the boy went red

"H-Harry, right? I'm Colin Creevy." He took a careful step forward "i'm in Griffondor, too. Do you think, if it would be okay, that I could have a picture?"

He raised his camera hopefully, causing Harry to look at him like he was insane.

"A picture?" He blinked at Creevy with a shocked expression "you know, to prove I met you?"

he inched forward a bit more and started babbling about gods know what

"maybe your friend could take it and I could stand next to you? And then you could sign it?"

He finished off, making me want to spit out drink that I didn't have. I was about to burst out laughing when a voice from behind Creevy did the job for me.

"Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?"

Draco spoke loudly, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Everyone line up!" He called out to the couple of straggling people who had started to pay attention "Harry Potter is handing out sighed photos!"

Harry's fist clenched "no i'm not, shut up Malfoy" the the Creevy kid had to open his mouth and make everything worse.

"You're just jelous!" The small kid was about the size of a toothpick compared to Crabbe or Goyle, and it was obvious he was picking a losing battle.

"Jealous?" Malfoy didn't have to shout anymore, everyone on the field was openly listening.

"Of what? I don't want a foul scar right across my head, thanks. I don't think getting your head cut open makes you that special, myself"

it was then that I decided to step in

"that's quite enough Malfoy" he diverted his attention to me now, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, so you're defending four eyes and his friends now huh?" I stared at him and spoke in a taunting tone

Silent Secrets (Draco × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now