1-Too good at potions

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A few weeks later, the stars align. In herbolagy we were allowed to look around to see if we could find any magical plants on our own.

I looked around in search of one thing. I kept searching when I bump into a certain Hufflepuff.

"Oh Lutworth" I mumbled still glancing around nervously. "Hey! Have you found anything? I did!"

Lutworth looked thrilled as he pointed to some plant. "No I haven't got anything"

Lutworth smiled at me as I looked over his shoulder and spotted a plant with large leaves.

"I can help you!" He was still smiling and I couldn't help but smile at him. "Sure"

I walked toward the general direction of the plant Lutworth following close behind.

"Let's see, i'm sure we can find something"

I got closer to the plant and spotted the large purple bell shaped flowers on the plant.

I crouched in front of the mandrake and looked for the smallest leaves.

"Oh, that's not a magical plant Wellton" Lutworth seemed awkward saying it

"oh, well these flowers are kind of pretty, don't you think?" I picked a couple of the smallest leaves, along with some of the flowers.

I had about five purple flowers in my hands as I pocketed the leaves.

"Here" I handed him a few and placed one in on his hair giggling because he looked kind of goofy.

He laughed along with me and scolded me for putting a flower in his hair.

But he didn't take it out.

I then looked around for a magical plant, eventually finding one.

I smiled at Lutworth as he walked over to the three musketeers who questioned the flower in his hair.

He quickly picked the flower out of his hair, blushing lightly. I waved at him and he waved back while I tried to ignore Ron's glare.

I practically skipped into the school happy with herbolagy.

I got the mandrake leaves, but they were kind of big. How was I supposed to hold that in my mouth for a month?

I'd figure it out I guess.


I looked at the leaf and let out a sigh. Time to go I guess.

I stuck the leaf in my mouth and cringed at the weird feeling. It wasn't some disgusting taste at least.

But mandrake leaves are a little fuzzy, and that reflected. With a sigh I lay down to sleep.

When I woke up there was a clear absence of the leaf in my mouth. There it was on my pillow, it must've fallen out.

This was going to a little bit harder than I thought but I just stuck a mandrake leaf in my mouth and got ready.

When I walked out the common room I spotted Lutworth who was walking over to me

"goodmorning Wellton!" I nodded and mumbled a goodmorning to him around the leaf.

Thankfully Lutworth began to talk, and when that happens he doesn't stop.

Breakfast was hell I can say that much. I carefully ate my food which earned me a confused look from another Ravenclaw.

I finished eating and let out a sigh, do I really want to do this? I mean I guess it will be fun to challenge myself.

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