2-Eat Slugs

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I realized too late that I shouldn't be antagonizing Malfoy.

I was reminded in charms that I had to be good at it, or late night tutoring would be a thing still.

I wanted to be good at it, but it just wouldn't work!

So now I'm grumbling to myself as I walked down the hallway towards the library.

When I made it there Malfoy was leaning back in a chair, with the moonlight shining on him, turning his hair silver.

I sat across from him with a thud as I smacked my wand onto the table.

He smirked and spoke in a smooth tone "someone's angry"

I glared at him but he kept his stupid smirk on. "Well I have to study with a jerk, what do you expect?"

He put his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand, leaning forward

"really? That's not how I remember our studies from last year"

I glanced angrily out the window as he grabbed his wand and poked me in the side.

I reared back with a small laugh despite myself and he started laughing at me.

"Whatever, what are we trying to do tonight?" Malfoy leaned back and tapped his wand to his temple

"nothing?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he sat up emedently

"alright, alright, don't go crazy on me" he held his hands up in front of him and I rolled my eyes playfully.

We talked and laughed occasionally as I royally screwed up some spells.

Suddenly a loud meow came from behind me and I turned around. Miss Noris was behind me but she didn't look mad or anything.

"Hey Miss Noris" I said and the cat and she rubbed against my leg.

I looked at Malfoy with a surprised look and reached down to pet the cat.

She was remarkably fluffy unlike Ares, who was a shorthair cat. Miss Noris was happily purring when Filch walked in

"Miss Noris, there you are!" I turned to see him walking in with a smile on his face, which was something that was usually reserved for when he was sure Peeves was in trouble.

Filch swooped up Miss Noris and looked fondly at the cat as he pet her.

"She's adorable, you know, when she's not getting everyone in trouble" I said with a smile and Filch grinned back at me.

When he bid us goodbye he cooed at Miss Noris and I couldn't help but smile once again.

Later into the night we stood to get going back to our common rooms and we were still laughing about one particular instance with the spell when we made it to my common room.

"Goodnight Wellton" Malfoy said with a smile as the tip of his wand glowed

"goodnight Malfoy"


Over the course of the next couple of days things had gotten more complex.

In front of the others being nice with Malfoy is a big no, but at night we laughed and played around like nothing ever happened.

Miss Noris and Filch started visiting more often and, in all honesty, Filch was okay once you got to know him.

When I got up I went straight to the great hall and sat down for some toast.

Malfoy smiled at me from across the tables but I didn't smile back.

In the morning me and Malfoy weren't friends, that's the rule.

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