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Later in the day I slipped into the hospital wing to see Malfoy laying down clutching a large bucket and Ron snoring on another bed.

Malfoy didn't seem to be barfing slugs anymore so I think the bucket is there just in case he does.

He turned ever so slightly to look at me

"my guess is you're here to check on your Weasley friend? He's not even that hurt, he'll probably live-"

I cut him off as I walked towards the side of his bed "I'm here to check up on you actually. Got you a little something"

I tossed a green apple at him and he caught it, looking up at me in surprise

"oh really? Then in that case I'd like to say that your friend practically killed me and I have less than 24 hours to live"

he smirked as I let out a sigh, about to say something when the door opened.

Quickly, I turned to Ron's bed as though I'd been checking up on him, not Malfoy.

Lutworth, Harry and Hermione walked in and I glanced up at them.

"Hey guys..." I trail off awkwardly but say it just loud enough for Ron to stir in front of me.

"Why in bloody hell are you here?" The words sting despite the fact me and Ron had never been particularly close

"I wanted to check that you were okay" he glared at me and snapped back, his voice growing slightly louder as he spoke

"okay? Am I okay? Of course I'm not, you sent me flying across the-!"

Lutworth stepped in to cut him off "now Ron, calm down"

Ron glared at Lutworth but he stopped talking "Wellton had a completely normal reaction"

Ron looked furious at that and huffed "I had a normal reaction too, but Wellton is allowed to blow their top about it and not me?"

Lutworth glanced at the other two for help but neither came to his rescue

"I- I really think you had an over reaction" Ron looked even more furious when the other two glanced at each other in slight agreement

"am I the only one who heard what that rat called Hermione!?" He pointed at Malfoy in outrage, who was eating his apple as though he could hear nothing Ron was saying.

Lutworth shook his head, looking very uncomfortable "we all heard it, and we're all mad, but that doesn't mean you hex them"

Ron shook his head and spoke in an angry tone

"you wouldn't understand, not at all, didn't grow up-" Lutworth cut him off, getting defensive

"wouldn't understand? What's that supposed to mean"

"Nothing, it doesn't mean anything"

"Oh really, because it sounds an awful lot like you were about to say something about how I wouldn't understand the one word I've been called non-stop"

Ron shook his head but there was no taking back what he clearly ment.

"That's not what I meant, look it was a justified reaction, throwing me across the Quidditch field is not!"

As the attention was turned back to me I shifted uncomfortably but Hermione piped up

"it was accidental magic, emotions were running high, everyone does it"

Ron looked at the girl in disbelief and narrowed his eyes turning on his side to go back to bed

"whatever" I looked at the other three apologetically only to find them giving me the same look back.

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