2-Miss Noris

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1756 words

At first I stood behind Malfoy in complete shock as the four didn't move. "We should leave" Ron said but Lutworth spoke up in protest "shouldn't we-?"

"Trust me, we don't want to be seen here"

I flew off the rails and stomped over to them beginning to draw my wand

"why!" I shouted at them with tears streaming from my eyes as they turned around, suddenly aware of my presence

"bloody hell, you think we did this? Absolutely-" I pointed my wand at him and snapped

"Shut your trap for one second Weasley!"

The other three looked taken aback like they too thought I was absolutely mental.

"You don't really believe we did this, right Wellton?" Came Lutworth's small and scared voice but I turned towards him with the same look.

"Well I don't know, I find you guys standing right there and instead of going to get help your main priority is to not get caught at the scene? What else am I supposed to believe!"

Lutworth flinched away but I could care less. I looked at Miss Noris and felt another surge of anger "how dare you! That's Filch's cat and you took her away!"

"We didn't do this!" Harry shouted at me


Malfoy lightly gripped my shoulders and gently pulled me away from them.

"It's okay" he whispered "calm down" but I couldn't.

I struggled to get out of his grip, to make them pay for what they'd done

"you've seen him with that cat!" I sobbed out in an attempt to convince him to let me go "he loves her!"

But it was no use, Mlafoy wasn't about to budge and eventually I calmed down.

I sunk into his grasp as tears flowed down my cheeks

"why?" I whimpered out but they didn't give any answer.

Suddenly Owl swooped into view, holding something in his claws. As he got closer I realized what it was.

A camera

None other than Colin Creevy came around the corner, chasing after Owl in attempt to get his camera back.

When he saw what was happening he stopped dead in his tracks.

Owl floated down to him and gave him his camera. Creevy, for once in his life, didn't take a picture though.

Probably because he didn't want his precious Harry Potter to get in trouble.

But when Owl squawked at him he snapped out of whatever trance he was in and the familiar clicking noise echoed.

At that moment the collective noise of people getting up told me the feast was over, then all of Hogwarts came turning the corner.

They all stopped dead in their tracks, Malfoy letting go of me before anyone could see and the other four looking at the crowd in panic.

Then I heard a familiar voice that made me want to scream "what's the hold up? What's going on?"

Owl screeched at Flich and flapped his wings in his face furiously as though to try and drive him away.

"What the-? My cat!" He cried out as he spotted what had happened. He rushed over to Miss Noris and turned to Harry

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