2-Valentines Day And Chocolate

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"What the hell do you mean?"

"Well they were acting weird, Zabini didn't know Pansy was gone, Crabbe and Goyle were actually talking, and they just left"

He looked back at the door we waited there for a couple seconds

"Well, nevertheless, it's getting late, you should head over to your common room"

As we made our way through the school we passed by the grand hall

I stopped when I heard something from a closet nearby

Something was pounding on the door and I pointed to it while looking pointedly at Malfoy

Slowly we walked closer until Malfoy had his hand clasped around the door nob

He cautiously opened it but that didn't stop the two people inside from tumbling out

I let out a frustrated sigh and put a hand on Malfoy's shoulder

"Screw this, I'm going to my dorm"

Malfoy was too busy trying to find out what the hell happened to answer, so I just walked away

As I made my way down the hall I couldn't help glancing around at every sound

When I was finally in the dorms I spotted a package on my bed

Owl was sitting on top of it and pecking at the seal, something he'd never done

"Owl, what on earth do you think you're doing?" I scolded, but when he saw me he got excited and squawked

I put a finger over my lips and shushed him as one of the girls nearby stirred

"What's in here that has you all worked up, huh?" I said, not sure why I was talking to an owl

I found a pair of scissors with Owl squeaking every few seconds to try and make me hurry up

I sat down and sliced the tape open to see a letter set on the top

I pulled it out to read it while Owl impatiently stuck his head in the box

I pulled his head out of the box and scowled at him

My dearest Y/n,

We thought we'd send you a little treat, it's your favorite chocolate. Down to the brand. Trust me, we went through the wringer for those. Your owl likes to try and eat it, don't let him, it's bad for owls!

Your mother

I looked into the box to see dozens of small balls of chocolate, wrapped in a bowtie style

At that moment Owl dived for the box and hooked two of the peices in his mouth

"Owl!" I hissed, lurching to take it away from him as he flew out of my reach

He landed on top of a tall dresser and I stood at the foot of it, trying to reach up to him

"Owl, come down and give those back!"

He didn't listen and proceeded to grip one excess peice in his claw and pull the other one

It toppled out of the wrapping and I tried to think

"Pumpkin juice!" I say and he pauses for a split second to glance at me

Then he quickly ate the chocolate

I let out a groan and watched helplessly as he seemed to stash the other one away up there, then finally flutter down

"When you feel sick the next few days, don't you dare come crying"

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