Special Chapter #3

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Lutworth's pov

I stared out the window quietly watching the sun set. I jumped out of my skin when my owl squawked.

I looked at him as he perched in his cage angrily. No matter what I did he was always mad.

The other Hufflepuffs seemed good with animals, but I couldn't count the amount of scratches and bites I got.

I let out a sigh and grabbed a piece of parchment.

I grabbed my quill despite the fact that my handwriting was much better with a pen and sat down.

I dunked it in the ink and started writing.

Dear Wellton,

I stared at the two words and crumpled the parchment into a ball, that sounded so boring.

Hey Wellton,

I crumpled that one too.

After about half an hour, and many dead trees, I decided on what to put.

Dear Wellton,

My quill hovered over the paper as I thought about what to say.

A drop of ink fell onto the paper. I kept hovering over the paper, ink dripping




After a while I realized what had happened.

There was a huge black blotch of ink on the paper and it had sunk through.

There was ink on the table and I was going to clean it up, but dad called

"Gerald, dinners ready!"

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