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My breaths became hitched, I froze, everyone around me slunk away but I couldn't.

The snake's head was a round triangular shape and When it reared up it was just as tall as me.

Then it opened its mouth.

The snake had an inky black mouth with small white fangs sticking out of the void.

Oh gods, I'm dead.

If there's one thing I remember, it's animals.

And I knew this one.

A Black Mamba, two drops of their venom can kill you.

Two drops, I swear I'm done for.

I pulled out my wand and tried to think but my thoughts wouldn't leave me alone.

The fastest snakes in the world, there's no getting away from this one

My wand fumbled in my hand as I tried to push those thoughts away

Their bite can kill you in as little as 20 minutes

I finally pointed my wand at the snake with a trembling hand but my mind went blank.

I couldn't do anything, but the snake didn't look as though it was about to attack.

If I backed up I could probably buy time.

After about three slow steps backwards though I heard a hiss, but it wasn't from the snake.

I looked up and saw Harry running over to the snake and–

I gasped in fear

He was hissing at the snake in a horrifyingly encouraging tone.

The snake had its head reared back like it was about to launch right at me but laid down and turned its head to Harry.

Then a foot came crashing down onto the spot underneath the snake's head.

"What are you playing at Potter?"

Malfoy shouted as the snake writhed under his foot, thrashing around and trying to bite him.

"Malfoy," I squeaked out while staring fearfully at the snake "be careful"

then I looked at Harry while he watched us in confusion.

After a few seconds he looked at the snake with a concerned gaze.

Then when he began to hiss to the snake again fearful tears formed at the corners of my eyes.

"You jerk!" I yelled at him and turned to run away, hot tears pouring out my eyes.

I bursted through the large wood doors and ran down the hallway. After I turned a corner I sunk to the ground, not having anywhere specific to go.

I was alone for a bit when I heard footsteps echoing through the halls.

I caught a glimpse of Lutworth's copper colored hair as he sat down next to me.

"Wellton?" He whispered to me in a tentative voice "are you okay?"

I wanted to tell him I wasn't okay, because I knew he would help. Knew that he would comfort me because he was Lutworth, that's what he did.

But that was when it hit me, a parseltounge.

There was no doubt now, Harry was the heir of Slytherin. And Lutworth had known, but he's done nothing to stop it.

"A parseltounge" I growled at him "he's a parseltounge Lutworth, I know it's him now. You can't protect him."

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