2-The Dreadful Quidditch Game

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I couldn't help feeling stressed as I looked at the paper

Just two, not that big of a deal, might decide where I go in life, but that's it

Everyone was looking at the subject list for next year, it was like muggle school electives except far more impactful

Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures, at least I only needed two

The only person in the room who didn't seem worried was Malfoy, who was calmly eating

"Look at this!" He shoved me a clipping from The Daily Prophet and I narrowed my eyes at him

"Just read it, I'd imagine you'll have a good laugh!"

With a sigh I took the clipping into my hands

The first thing I saw was a picture of an old Ford Angelia, up in the air

Arthur Weasley fined for flying car mishap

Arthur Weasley is a well respected member of the Ministry Of Magic, in fact he is head of the department of Misuse Of Muggle Artifacts. So it was quite a surprise when he was found to own a bewitched muggle car. Although, due to a loophole in the law, he cannot be fined for simply owning it, he can indeed be fined for any muggles seeing it. That was the situation when several muggles saw it spiral out of control in the air and crash in the Weasley's yard. Turns out, three of Arthur Weasley's sons decided to take a spin, and it went terribly wrong. Many muggle newspapers have reported on this, using a photo a muggle took. Covering this one up will take a great heap of work and Arthur Weasley has been fined accordingly. The car is missing and Lucius Malfoy gave a statement on that as we tried to get hold of Mr.Weasley. "I have no doubt in my mind that Arthur must've stashed it away, it's probably somewhere nearby, hidden and invisible"

There was a picture of a man with scraggly gray hair clutching a lime green bowling hat, seemingly talking about something.

I gave him the clipping back without a second glance

"That's what you needed to show me? I'm kind of doing something" I said, pointing at the subject list

"They're not even that important" he huffed as I leaned over the paper

"Easy for you to say, you're a Malfoy, trust me, no job would turn you down"

He rolled his eyes and looked at his paper "aren't we, like, twelve? I think we'll be fine if we don't decide what we want to be yet"

"Not if you want to actually go somewhere" I hissed, watching people close their eyes and point their wands at random subjects

In the end I picked Divination and Care Of Magical Creatures

Definitely not just the ones Malfoy picked


Hope was definitely growing in the school, and people began to get excited

There was a Quidditch match today and it was Griffondor against Hufflepuff

If it's ever Hufflepuff against another house, the latter always wins, but I don't think anyone was worried about that

I was making my way through the halls when I heard a gasp from a little ways behind me

"Harry- I think I've just understood something, I have to get to the library!"

I ducked away just as Hermione came rounding the corner and she zoomed up the stairs without even noticing me

Without a second thought I raced after her, but she must've been going quick, because I didn't see her

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