2-Chaos in Diagon

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When I woke up I wasn't sure how I felt.

Today I would be heading back to Diagon Alley to get supplies for the new school year.

I should be thrilled. I looked over at the dresser drawer that I still need to clean out. Owl kept protecting it from me.

I probably couldn't bring myself to do it anyway.

I shook my head to clear it and told myself to just stand up and get ready.

I wanted to, but I just stared at ceiling, my body refusing to get up.

I laid there for quite a while until I heard a meow from the floor.

I turned my head and saw Ares nudging his food bowl towards me with another meow.

I let out a sigh and forced myself to stand up and grab his food.

After I poured it he began to wolf it down and I crouched there with a sigh

"i'm sorry Ares, how selfish of me" I went to lay down once again when Owl let out a squawk.

I sighed and trudged over to get dressed for Diagon Alley. When I was dressed I looked into the mirror.

Over the past couple of days I hadn't really left my room much. All I did was sneak out every once in a while to grab a pitiful snack from the kitchen.

My hair was everywhere it possibly could be, and more.

My face and hair was dirty and I don't think i'd cleaned up at all recently.

I blinked and looked around the room that was covered in wrappers and chip bags.

I hadn't realized how bad it was in here.

I walked into the restroom and cleaned up. My hair was somewhat fixed and my face was at least clean.

I walked into my room and glanced around at the trash. I would clean it up, but I just didn't have the motivation to do so.

I looked over at Owl and let out a sigh stepping around piles of stuff to grab what I needed.

My trunk was full and I put it down at the foot of my bed.

I walked out of my room and looked at the table where a letter and some galleons were there

My dearest, Y/n

We're sorry we can't come with you once again, here's the money for your school supplies

Your mother

I grabbed the money and put it in my pocket while grabbing a brownie from the pantry.

I peeked into my room and spoke to my pets "hey guys, i'll be gone"

strangely enough it felt like Owl understood me and he let out a squeak.

I got ready to leave and I grabbed some muggle money to take the subway.

When I made it to Diagon Alley I looked around to get the books for this year.

When I made it into the store I spotted a wolf pack of red heads with freckles.

There was a few different people though Harry, Hermione, and Lutworth were all there as well.

I realized what books were needed and rolled my eyes.

Gilderoy Lockheart, a disgrace of the Ravenclaw house.

I was going to leave and wait for the crowds to die down but Lutworth spotted me.

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