Just a meeting

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Authors note :

Good afternoon readers,

I know after corona things have changed for sure. And many have stopped reading sartik fanfics and some even left Instagram.

All I wanted to say is shipping is good but don't always expect they would end together or always be together. Let's take Deepika Ranveer and Anushka  and  Virat. So don't lose hope cuz both of them are  not married yet.

I apologise for not being active these few months.

1. I am lost how to proceed the promotion part

2. We didn't get any content after corona

3. My college work

4. I am stuck with proj so bare with me.

5. Always people txt me and say proceed the story in these directions or you keep motivating me but nowadays I feel like no one wants to read my story .

So yeah I decided to change the situation a bit , I have uploaded coffee with chai lastest chapters and I could feel my writing was not same like before.

So keep flooding me with your opinions and comments on the chapter.
I will try to update the chapters as I get some time .

This post is for interaction, so feel free to talk . And I hope everyone wants me to write and keep going with my book right ??

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