Is that a wand in your pocket?

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You laid in your bed as the female students started to doze off to sleep. You checked the time on the old clock beside your bed and saw that it was 10:45pm. Draco asked you to meet him at 11:00pm, which was in 15 minutes. For a while you had considered not going and standing him up just out of spite of his hurtful comment earlier. But you couldn't deny the fact that you needed answers. You wanted to see where you both stood. You also wanted to know why he kissed you in the first place if he was going to deny everything after. You groaned as you quietly got up from your bed. On the bed beside you Hermione was sleeping soundly.

You were tip toeing to the door in your slippers, when you heard a bed shuffling behind you.

"Y/n?" Hermione's voice came from behind you. "What are you doing?"

You turned around and saw Hermione sitting upright in her bed with tired eyes.

"Oh um," You flashed her your most confident grin. "I forgot to do my homework so I'm going to the common room to finish it."

"Oh, okay," Hermione said, looking too tired to be suspicious.

"Sleep well," You smiled as she laid down to rest.

You climbed down the stairs and were about to exit when you realized something. How would you get to the classroom without Filch and Snape seeing you? Snape had definitely read the note, you knew that for a fact. And he'd be out there looking for you so he could take away more Gryffindor points. You suddenly remembered how in your first year, you joined Harry under his invisibility cloak once. You could roam the corridors undetected if you used it. Harry wouldn't mind if you borrowed it just this once would he?

You crept quietly up the staircase leading to the boys dormitory and as soon as you entered, you heard Ron's loud snores. The room was messy and had a pubescent teen boy smell.

"Gross," You whispered to yourself as you approached Harry's bed.

Harry was sleeping and you couldn't help but smile at how innocent he looked. You looked around for the cloak and reached under his bed to find a piece of parchment with the map of the school. You slowly picked it up and turned it around to see a map of the school. It wasn't just a normal map, it had students and teachers on it who were moving. You found your name in the boys dormitories and realized that this map was legit. There were unknown corridors and passageways you never knew existed. In fact, there was one passageway right outside the Gryffindor Common Room that led straight to the classroom you were trying to go to. It was behind a painting of a medieval looking angel.

"Uhh," Harry started to moan in his sleep. "Wormtail... no..."

You froze and saw him move restlessly against his sheets. You were about to wake him up to reassure him when you realized that you couldn't be seen. You left the map where you found it and quietly tiptoed to the bottom of the staircase.

As silently as you could, you exited the Fat Lady's Portrait and walked looked around. You couldn't see anyone in the corridors and spotted the angel painting in not far in front of you. You approached it cautiously. It was an medium sized painting, not as big as the Fat Lady's portrait but it was big enough for you to fit through. The beautiful angel was sleeping peacefully on the grass with a blue sky behind her. You tried not to wake her as you silently opened the painting to reveal a tunnel looking slide.

"Here goes nothing," You muttered to yourself, closing the portrait behind you and pushing yourself off the walls to slide down the steep slide. You tried your best not to scream as it twisted you around corners and down hills. It was dark and you felt yourself moving fast. You spotted light ahead as the slide ended flatly. The ride was probably only 20 seconds long but it had felt like forever. You crouched and touched the other painting in front of you. With a push the portrait swung open exposing a cozy room with blankets and a fireplace in one corner and on the other an open space. The walls were brick and nothing special except for the many intricate paintings hanging on the walls. A large mirror was positioned in the corner. The only light came from the tiny windows near the ceiling, which didn't help you see since the only light outside came from the full moon.

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